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Donghyuck didn't know where exactly to go. He just hopes his parent didn't know but judging by the calls he's getting from them he already knew they knew. "What the fuck did I do to deserve this by?!" Donghyuck yelled.

He knew Johnny and Yuta were probably already in Gangnam so that's where he went. He knew no one would look there at least not yet. Some how Donghyuck made it to Johnnys apartment without dying. As soon as he got to Johnny's floor he ran to his door and banged on it.

"Who the hell is knocking like a mani-" Johnny stopped mid sentence when he saw his little brother. He pulled him inside the house and embraced him. He rubbed his back to try to calm him down since he looked so panicked and was crying. "Hyuck what's going on? Why are you crying?" Johnny asked.

Noooooo yDonghyuck sobbed into his chest. "I think I might know" Yuta said as he lifted his phone to show Johnny. Johnny cursed under his breath. He comforted Donghyuck until he stopped crying. He brought them over to the couch.

"Hyung everyone knows. They all know." Donghyuck said with  his voice cracking with every word. "I know they do Hyuck. Trust me you get through this.. I'll make sure of it"Johnny reassured him but it wasn't enough.

"You don't understand Mark knows, mom and dad knows! Why couldn't he let me choose when I tell people?! I don't even like Lucas!" Donghyuck yelled and Johnny let him he knew he needed to.

"Donghyuck...I know you want to hide and think it will all get better that way but it won't." Johnny told him but Donghyuck just couldn't hear it right now. "I just need time... I'm just so tired of being this tired, there's no reason I should feel this tired."

"Go to sleep then" Johnny said and let Donghyuck lay his head on lap as he played with his hair to get to go to sleep. Johnny looked at Yuta. "I don't know what to do man. He's a mess and I can tell you my parents might not be as supportive." Johnny said.

"I suggest it would be better if you stand by his side because he's really gonna need it right now." Yuta said and brought a small cover for Donghyuck and covered him. "Shotaro texted me everything and Mark might actually be coming this way later." Yuta said.

"I think Mark coming is the best idea. He needs Mark especially if he wants to get through this." Johnny said and let out a frustrated sigh.

After a few hours in silence they heard someone knock on the door.

Donghyuck woke up alone and he had hope everything he had saw in the last 24hrs was a dream but life is never that fair. He sat up on the couch. "Hyung?" Donghyuck called out for Johnny but heard little whispers coming from the kitchen. After a little Johnny and Yuta came into his view but they quietly retreated to their rooms without a word to the now confused boy on the couch.

He notice someone else walking and when he saw Mark coming toward him he didn't have enough time to run away. "Hyuck." Mark said as he stared at younger who couldn't look at him.

Mark crouched down in front of him and held onto his hands. "Donghyuck, I know today had been a hard day but I want you to know I support you and I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't have told me about you sooner" mark said and Donghyuck finally met his eyes.

"Donghyuck I like you okay and I don't give a fuck about the pictures with Lucas or Koeun and surely don't give a fuck about Renjun." Mark said and Donghyuck chuckled a bit.

" I want you to know I like you so much and not just in a friend way but I genuinely like you and I want you to know that I'm always gonna be on your side whether you like it or not" mark reassured him and Donghyuck only hugged him.

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