Silver takes his helmet off his head, shaking out his dark blonde hair and meeting my eyes again.

His own were a dark brown, his lips tilted and amused as I looked him over, piecing together that this was Silver.

To be honest I expected him to be a little more badass-

He looks quite polished. No tattoos, no piercings-

"Not what you were expecting? Or am I just that ugly?" He teases, and I narrow my eyes on him.

Objectively he was handsome, above average, though I couldn't help but feel satisfied at how much more handsome Gigi is.

I smirk back, "It would be unfair to ask me considering I'm heavily biassed." I shrug, referring to Gigi subtly.

Not only was this a way to wind him up, it also prodded around to see how much he really knew about me- about Gigi.

"Ah," He hums, tilting his head at me again, "Of course, your boyfriend Evangelos. My apologies." He regards, though not entirely sincerely. So he does know about Gigi. His voice was accented, between a posh and rugged English. As if he had two sides to him.

"откуда он так много знает?" Levi asks from behind me and I twist my lips to the side.

(how does he know so much?)

Silver looks between us in delight, grinning at our interaction.

"я не знаю." I mutter back, keeping my eyes trained on the seemingly golden retriever boy.

(i don't know.)

"почему ты не спрашиваешь меня?" Silver grins, and my eyes widen. That was unexpected.

(why don't you ask me?)

I feel Andrei take a step closer to me, "Who the fuck are you? You speak Russian?" He asks, voice getting defensive.

Silver ignores Andrei, as well as the first part of the question, "In my line of work you need to know how to communicate with several groups." He offers me and I furrow my brows at him.

"I thought an assassin's form of communication was their gun." I say back, and he turns his wide smile onto me, eyes sparkling, "That's a pretty universal language."

"Who said being Silver was my primary line of work?" He says back elusively and I look at him again, his smiling eyes amused at my confusion.

"Cut the shit." Andreas says from beside me, "What's your name?" He asks, but Silver doesn't move his attention from me.

He looks at me, a challenge in his eyes, until I ask him, "What's your name?"

His smile seems to grow at my question, and he answers, "Augustus Grimaldi." He responds, and something sounds familiar about the name.

Mateo stills beside me, "I knew you looked fucking familiar." He breathes, seemingly shocked at recognising this man.

I turn to look at Mateo, who looks shocked at Augustus.

Again, Silver doesn't pay anyone any mind, keeping his eyes trained on me and continuing as if Mateo had never spoken, "But please call me August, I sound like a pretentious royal prick with the name Augustus." He smiles.

I can't find it in myself to even smile at his bizarre friendliness. I was on my guard now, Mateo still shocked beside me and all my brothers and Andreas tense.

"August." I say softly and he closes his eyes briefly, humming in approval.

"Car," Mateo says beside me, and I glance at him, "That's Augustus Grimaldi." He emphasises.

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