Chapter 2-not here

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Sienna Marino

I was stuck, frozen out of fear I couldn't even take my eyes off him and look up to see who pushed him. I was just paralyzed.

"Hey! Leave us alone, she my girlfriend" my ex shouted at the person in front of him while pointing at me.

"Is that true?" a deep voice called out to me.

I dragged my eyes away from my ex and to the tall muscular man in front of him. I couldn't speak, all I could do was shake my head no vigorously.

the tall man nodded and crouched down next to my ex grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"I hate men like you." The tall man spat. he punched my ex in the face over and over and over busting open his lip and cheek. I watched in shock as blood pooled out of his face, I listened as he screamed in pain and for me to help him, I felt as if I was going to faint.

it was then that I realized I was zoned out and the two men in front of me were now on there feet. They punched and kicked each other and I knew at the bottom of my heart that it was wrong and I should stop them or something but I couldn't. I watched the scene in front of me in fear when something caught my eye. the light of the led sign behind me was reflecting off of something, what was that? A knife?

"A KNIFE" I shouted at the tall man signalling towards my ex, he looked at me for a second not processing what I said, but it was too late my ex had stabbed the tall man in the side of his lower stomach. I gasped with widened eyes. He stabbed him. HE STABBED HIM.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I cried looking at my ex with disgust.

"Don't look at me like that you whore." He growled charging at me. I backed away until my back hit the cold wall behind me. He moved his hand out towards my face but just befor his blood covered skin could touch me he was slammed into the street poll.

what was going on? Who was this guy? Why was he protecting me? is he ok? I had so many questions, I was so confused. but I didn't have time to think all I knew is that my ex was after me and now he's laying on the concrete side walk knocked unconscious by some hot- not the time sorry- by some tall guy.

"Are you ok?" He asked me in a cold tone.

I tore my gaze away from my ex and to him, my eyes widening when I saw his lip busted and his white dress shirt drenched in blood. I nodded a yes. He nodded back. I watched as he moved his hand towards the knife and his hand wrapped around the handle.

"No, dont!" I screeched jumping forward and yanking his hand away.

What? Why did I do that? He's some random guy why do I care.

Uh because he's hot and he saved you from your ex? plus he's hot did I say that already?

Yes you did now shut up consy it's not the time I said that!

Yeah yeah, but you know I'm right

I internally rolled my eyes. I focused my attention back to the man in front of me.

"why not?" He asked me with a harsh tone.

"Because if you pull it out you will bleed out. Let me call you an ambulance or get you help." I answered reaching for my hand bag when he grabbed my hand.

"No, I can't go to the hospital I'll do it at home." he growled turning around walking up to the curb of the street.

"do you have a doctor? because if not done properly you could cause more damage" I spoke quietly but sternly.

"Yes I do but because your so insistent why don't you fix it? Your the reason it happened." He smirked.

I gulped. He's right it's my fault, I should at least help him I know how to do this. I nodded and stepped towards him.

"Your right I'm sorry, let me take a took." I reached out towards his shirt but he grabbed my wrist stopping me. I looked up at him confused. Didn't he say I should fix it?

"Not here." he started walking back to the club not letting go of my wrist. we walked up to the front of the club and towards the valet stand.

"My car." He snapped at the boy in front of us, I say boy because he looks younger than me. The boy nodded and signalled with his head towards a red Ferrari. my eyes widened. A fucking Ferrari!

he thanked him and dragged me over to the car. When I walked past the boy he gave me a worried look, what? Why? I didn't have much time to think when I was pushed in to the passenger seat.

"You shouldn't drive like that." I looked over to him getting into the car with a grunt.

"It's fine." He growled.

Woah that was kinda ho-

CONSY! Not.the.time.

Alright fine but still.

I watched as he gripped the wheel making his arm muscles flex, I took this time to look over his body again, this time I realized he had a sleeve of tattoos up his right arm. He had fluffy dark brown hair that fell over his forehead, he was tall and obviously very muscular, he had "Katie" tattooed on his knuckles. Hm girlfriend?

Ugh really that's sad

Yeah I know he's hot.

HAH knew it.

I rolled my eyes which caught his attention,

"Don't roll your eyes like that." he clenched his jaw

"Im sorry." Im mumbled playing with the bottom of my dress.

I hope this book isn't boring I really hope you enjoyed this chapter :) let me know in some comments if you want to see anything from the characters or if you don't like how this is set up :) feed back is very important to me.
I like to update regularly so watch out for that

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