XIV -Becoming Strong

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 After Thalia, Annabeth, Artemis and Zoë helped Luke out of the bear cave they all went back to

 camp, once they got back to camp they all went to bed. The next morning Artemis knew that

 they were going to meet someone evil and sadly they were also going to meet centaurs and

 monsters. Artemis told Thalia that they needed to start training and Thalia was very happy to

 tell hear that she told Annabeth, Grover and Luke about what she was told, because Artemis

 new that Annabeth, Grover and Luke had never trained before she was scared that the would

 not be ready. She was even more scared for Thalia because she had started to form a bond with

 her, but what she didn't know was that Thalia knew how to fight really well.

The Legend Of The Barrier- Discontinuedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें