Chapter 2

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*Next day*

Jennifer's P.O.V

Nobody knew apart from Josh and I that we were meeting. Olly and Jaymi still think I am meeting Louis. Jaymi has to go into the studio to record vocals for the new album. Josh doesn't need to go in as its Jaymi's solo parts that they are working on. Olly was at work as usual. It was now 12:45pm and I was due to meet josh in 15 minutes all I had to do was put the twins in the buggy and walk down to the café. I was wearing a floral play suit as it was a nice ish day. I wore a black cardigan with it as well with some black vans. I put my two little babies in to the buggy and set off. As soon as we got outside Lily fell asleep where as Bentley took in the surroundings. He had a big smile on his face which was cute.

I go to the café and Josh was waiting outside for me.

'Heyy.' He said pulling me into a hug.

'Hi. How are you? I asked him.

'I am good. Do you need some help with the buggy?' He asked me.

'Yes please can you get it through the door please.' I asked him.

'Sure give it here.' Josh sad, taking the buggy and pushing it through the door of the café.

'What do you want?' He asked when we got to our seat.

'Chocolate milkshake and a ham and cheese toastie please.' I said getting out my purse to give him the money.

'Don't worry about the money. Do the kids need anything?' He asked.

''Are you sure? And I think they need a feed so a jug of hot water please.' I told him.

'I am sure. I will be right back.' He said.

I took a seat and got Bentley out as he was the only one awake. Lily-Rose was still asleep which was a good thing at the moment. I thought to feed Bentley first and put him to sleep and then wake Lily- Rose out.

'They are bringing the food in a minute.' Josh said making me jump.

'Oh okay.' I said.

' I didn't mean to make you jump. So is this Bentley-Joshua?' He asked.

'Yeah it is. Do you want to hold him and feed him?' I asked.

'Are you sure, like I have only just meet him?' He said.

'I am sure. You are their Dad after all.' I told him when the food came. I put the bottle in the jug to warm up ready for Bentley. I gave him Bentley to hold.

'I just thought you might not let me, after everything.' He said.

'You may have been a dick Josh but you need to know your kids don't you?' I said. 'So will you feed him?'

'Of course I will. How do I know the drink is warm enough.' Josh asked.

'Roll your sleeve up like this,' I said, rolling his sleeve up. 'And you open the milk and squirt a bit on to your wrist and if it doesn't hurt you then its fine for him.'

'Okay. You know I always thought you would be a great mother.' He told me.

'Really?!' I said questioning him.

'Yeah. Especially how you have had to do it alone.' He said.

'Well not all on my own really. There's Jaymi and Olly and Louis. Who don't know I am here so lets keep it a secret for a bit.' I told him.

'Is Louis your boyfriend? Yeah that's fine as long as you don't tell either.' He said.

'Yeah he is.' I said as Lily-Rose started to cry. I got her out and started to settle her so I could feed her. Josh was doing a good job of feeding Bentley.

'Is that Lily-Rose?' He asked, when I was putting her bottle into the hot water.

'It is. How did you guess?' I said laughing.

'Well Jaymi is always on about her. I think that she is his favourite to be honest.' He told me.

'Yeah he loves her and him so much. They have been great with them both. Getting up in the middle of the night with them and other stuff.' I told him.

'Stuff I should have done.' Josh mumbled but loud enough for me to here. 'What do I do know he's finished?

'Wind him and put him to sleep please.' I said taking Lily's bottle out.

'Of course.' He said.

'I don't think they will settle in here so after she has had her bottle. Can we take them back to my place please.' I said.

'Yeah sure.' He said rocking Bentley.

'Do you wanna come back to mine for a bit to put the kids to bed?' I asked him.

'Yeah sure what time is Jolly back?' He asked.

'About 6 I think so we will be safe as it is only 2pm.' I told him.

'Good. Shall I put him in the buggy?' He asked.

'Yeah. I have finished feeding her so I will put her in to.' I told him.

We both put the babies into the buggy and walked out.

'Do you mind if I push?' Josh asked.

'Yeah. I am knackered after pushing them all the time.' I said.

We walked in a comfortable silence back home. It didn't take long to get back. I opened the door and let everyone in.

'Where is the room to put them in?' Josh said getting Lily out as he hadn't held her yet.

'My room. I am sure you know where that is.' I said, laughing.

'Yeah I remember.' He said, also laughing.

We put the twins in their cots and headed back down stairs silently so we wouldn't wake them.

'I need a wee where's the downstairs toilet please?' Josh asked.

'Follow the kitchen down and its on your left handside. Don't flush the loo as the twins will wake up.' I told him.

'Okay I will be right back.' He said.

I sat myself down and checked twitter and tweeted

@JenniferHensley: Had a nice lunch with my two little cuties and someone special :)<3

I got a couple hundred retweets in a couple of minutes. At that point Josh came back.

'Had lunch with someone special ehhh?' He asked.

'Maybe. Anyway are you staying for a bit or going?' I asked.

'I think I am going to go.' He said. 'Don't want to cause anything that I shouldn't be staying.'

'Okay I shall show you out.' I said.

'Lets do this again sometime?' He asked.

'Of course.' I said, opening the door for him and with that he leaned in and kissed me. I felt myself responding to this old time habitat.


Bit of a cute chapter

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Until next time

Love you

Byeee <3

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