Chapter 20: All talk, No Action

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, kid!" Montblanc cut off Usopp's outburst.

"It doesn't matter. This is our problem. Got that? We promised that we-

"I don't care." You rudely cut him off. He stared at you surprised but get back to himself and narrowed his at you.

"Look, girl. Like I said this isn't any of your-

"This is not just about the Gold, old man. I had enough of being held back today" You glared at Luffy who sweated under your glare.

"It's also about our reputation and dignity as pirates. Luffy, I know you're all new to this and stuff but I need to make things clear to all of you if you want me to stay on this crew. Whoever did this to us, they have to pay. We need to teach them a lesson. I don't give a single fuck about who they are, all I know is that they have to pay. They touched our ship behind our back and that is disrespectful as fuck. They didn't even fight us to be able to do that" You reasoned to the crew. You don't care if your reasoning sounds childish but today... Man~ You had enough of being held back today! You will fuck or let someone else fuck this person who dared to disrespect you and your brother's ship. 

"I know you promised us that you'll help us to be able to go to Sky island and you can still fulfill that. All I'm saying is that Luffy, I want to beat these people who took the old man's treasure and dared to destroy Going Merry so you should let me do it or you can do it and I'll tag along with you." You bluntly told your brother with a serious face.

"Oi, you guys. Look at this" You all glance at Zoro who pointed out a familiar pirate symbol.

Your eyes narrowed.

'Why the fuck does that shitty mark look quite like his...'

"That's Bellamy's mark!" Nami exclaimed and you are reminded of the little fuckers who messed with you and your brother at the bar in the town.

You smirk and stand up along with your brother.

"Need a hand?" Zoro asked you two, mainly at Luffy.

"No. Luffy can handle this alone. I'll just watch" You grinned wickedly and your crewmate's sweatdrop at the sight of you but didn't say anything.

"No, you two! Don't do anything stupid! There are only three hours left until we set sail!" Nami tried to reason with the both of you. 

You send Ash a knowing look. Ash nodded and slither out of your neck and circled himself to Luffy's neck. Luffy started to walk away with Ash guiding him on the way to the town. 

You followed him excitedly. 

"Oi, kid! Where do you think you're going? You'd better not be messing in our business! Do you know who you're going to-!!"

He was cut off once again by you but this time not because you're just being rude...

There you stood with a murderous glint in your eyes, a wicked smile crept on your lips, and a gloved finger in front of your lips. Shushing the old man and clearly scaring the fuck out of him. Not just him but even the whole crew. He had seen a lot of powerful pirates before but you... that look on your face...

You appeared like the devil that controls the will and soul of people that trust you. And Luffy...

He's just one of them

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