Chapter TwO ~ What Is So Good With My Number!?

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Unsurprisingly, Munseong's warning worked on Pakgo, since he didn't risk his life by disturbing Hobin throughout the whole period in school. Of course, who wanted to mess with a professional fighter? Unless that person had some mental problem.

Without knowing, Munseong didn't get back to his nap and just to spy on Pakgo! And Hobin was too oblivious for that one.

Hobin, who was under the temporary protection of his savior, had finally got to taste some school life for that few hours. Steadily concerned in the class without getting the cold glare from the bullies, he was able to have a few discussions with his desk mate on the Math questions with no worries. Moreover, his classmates will get close to him automatically. The innocent boy was overwhelmed by the others' favor. With a thick blush and a perverted smirk, Hobin knew the blessings had started to work as the girls would want to have physical contact with him.


It wasn't Hobin's fault that he couldn't hide his excitement.

Even though Hobin was uncertain about how long this happiness could last, but he didn't mind that anymore. The least he could do was to appreciate the moment. Except for one thing, that was - someone kept peeking at him from the front during the class. At first, Hobin found it weird since he sensed the stabbing sensation on him. He thought it was his hallucination, as every time he looked over the student, the feeling disappeared, but it turned out to be, his assumption was true. The reasons for his annoyance were now well known. Finally, it lasted until the class ended. Hobin was going to rush out of the room the moment the bell rang, but, he felt a grip on the shoulder which made him breathed hitching for the surprise attack.


Hobin slowly turned his head to the source, and wondered who the stuttered guy was.

"I-I'm sorry for everything. You know... I-I was being threatened by Pakgo. You know how scary he is if we don't listen to him. I know my actions have been hurting you badly and I deeply apologize for that."

Squinting his eyes with doubt, Hobin's head was forced to stop working for a moment, as he was at a loss for the blonde's sudden honeyed speech. Was it another method to prank him? Who? Pakgo made him do that?

The thought crossed his mind. He immediately raised his alert and glanced throughout the class to find the cameras, or even some males who were hiding somewhere and giggled at his stupid look. Hobin had experienced that a lot, almost getting trauma from their terrible prank, in particular that time, when Hobin first tried on refusing to follow their orders, they pushed Hobin off the road and the car barely crashed into him just for a few centimeters. Staring widely with the trembling enlarged pupils at the bumper of the car, his heart thumping in his ears as he saw the driver furiously yelling at him who was edgyly sitting on the rough surface of WBM road. Nausea climbed over him when he side glanced the person who pushed him was chuckling with the others. Hobin just wanted to puke up on the spot. Fortunately, the Grim Reaper didn't want to take his life yet, Hobin only got a few scratches on the palm instead of getting huge damage.

"Look, Hobin. Why don't we call Pakgo out? Expose his dirty work to the subscribers who have been trusting him for a long time. They have the right to know."

Jihyeok continued as if they were friends as he wrapped his arm around the shorter's neck and talked casually. Hobin let him do so as he knew Jihyeok wasn't the one to be blamed on. It was that devilish brat.

"No, I don't want to."

Jihyeok's lips halted from laughing when he heard the reply from Hobin. He had expected that but he was a little bit hurt by Hobin's straightforward, he hold a little hope that the boy could expose Pakgo's ugly face with him to the subscribers. Gritted his teeth with his selfish thought, Jihyeok continued his speech to convince Hobin to join him while walking out with him.

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