A heads up? Thanks, I hate it

Start from the beginning

"Anyway, congratulations Magma!" you turned towards the radio. "You have won bragging rights for eternity!"
You heard him loudly cheer and it made you chuckle.
"Along with a hundred million dragos!"
"Wait really?!" you looked at Ryu, then at the losers of this contest. "Math boys! You could've tried harder than that!"
"Against a computer?" Senku frowned.
"But you're not even here to cough up the dough!" Yo exclaimed.
"Worry not." François said. "You will be paid via direct deposit."
"Ryusui Bank is open for business!" Ryu snapped his fingers. "Using the Kingdom of Science's computer!"

Now that both Xeno's and Yuzuriha's team are set on their part of the project, your globetrotting team could focus on the rocket-building part.
"Now that India's behind us," Ryu pointed at the globe. "the next stop on our rocket-building tour is: Australia!"
"This Northern tip of Australia is the world's most abundant source of bauxite, the ore that gives us aluminum." Senku excitedly explained.

After a tumultuous journey, you've reached the land. You and Chrome were especially hyped for this.
"No one beats us when it comes to rock finding!" he said once you've arrived. "Get ready for pro geographer Chelsea versus pro explorer Chrome and his second (Y/n)! Another blass from the grass!"
"What he said! But in a less dumbass way!" you wheezed.
"Mmh," Chelsea tilted her head. "this won't be much of a throwdown."
"Damn, trash talk from Chelsea?!" your eyes widen.
"Nah, I just mean there's no searching involved." she picked up a rock and showed it to everyone. "The ground all around is made of bauxite, the source of aluminum!"

"No wonder it's the world's best source." Sai smiled as everyone looked on in shock.
"How fantastic!" Gen said. "In no time we'll have Aluminum City!"
"And with that, the rocket!" you nodded. "This Moon mission is taking way less time than I expected!"
Senku smiled at you enthusiasm, but it soon faded.
'She needs to know.'

He usually liked to keep things hidden until later, for dramatic effect. But right now, keeping this from you, he felt a tightness in his heart. That night, he asked if you two could speak alone. He led you both out of the camp and to the beach, the Moon reflecting on the water. When he stopped, he kept his back to you.
"So, what's up?"
"I want you to know before anybody else."
"...Know what?" you frowned slightly.

You were getting worried. Whenever Senku turned his back on you, it was less because he didn't want to look at you and more like he didn't want to show his face. He took a deep breath.
"With our mission, with humanity back in action, we have no way of knowing when Why-Man might launch another petrification attack on the whole planet. So there's no time to lose before taking the fight to him." he looked down. "For this Moon mission, we don't have time to create a return vessel."
There was a moment of silence. Senku could only imagine the look on your face right now, the thought of it made him clench his fists. He forced himself to continue. He didn't like your lack of response.
"Going forward, humanity will keep progressing until round trips to the Moon are no sweat. But until that day... those of us who make this Moon landing will have to petrify ourselves with the medusa device we'll be taking with us. There, on the Moon's surface, we'll stand long into the future, waiting to be rescued. For years, decades, maybe even centuries..."

Silence again, only the waves slowly going back and forth could be heard.
'Geez, what a coward I'm being. Not daring to look her in the eyes...' Senku forced a faint smile. 'Sounds like she's taking it well at leas-'
He quietly gasped when he was suddenly turned around, grabbed by the shoulders. Your face was red and soaked with tears as they uncontrollably flowed down. You looked into his eyes, forcing him to look into yours.
"Is there really no other way?" you asked in a small voice.
There it was, the reason why he kept his back to you, the pain in his chest. He pursued his lips, his eyebrows furrowed, and stayed silent, knowing you knew what the answer would be. You sobbed and pressed your forehead on his shoulder, crying. Senku's eyes grew glassy and he hugged you, petting your hair until you've calmed down.

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