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As we left off, Rick has gone missing out of nowhere, and William started to get worried for him, so (YN) goes and looks for he does, he then bumps into Omni-Man, Nolan instead, as Nolan somehow tried to hit (YN) as if he was trying to do so..

Nolan: Hmph, seems I missed.

(YN): M-Mr.Grayson??!

Nolan: ...Seems like your alone out here...which so good and perfect timing.

(YN): Wh-What??? What are you even saying-

Nolan without hesitation rushes at (YN) and to try landing a punch at him, (YN) quickly gets out of the way, Nolan kept trying to hit him as (YN) kept loving out of the way and dodging Nolan...

(YN): Mr.Grayson, what's gotten into you?! Are you out of you're mind?!

Nolan: ...

(YN): Say something! *What the hells gotten into him?! Why is he here anyways??! And why is he trying to attack me? M-Maybe he's being brainwashed, yeah! Someone must've taken over his mind! I'm gonna have to knock some sense into him!*

(YN) dashes and flies towards Nolan, and to spear him down to the ground...and started throwing punches at him...

(YN): Sorry, but I know you're in there! So get your senses right and fight off whatever is controlling your mind Mr.Grayson! I know you're in there!

(YN) kept on throwing punches towards Nolan's face, until Nolan grabs (YN)'s hand and to forcefully squeeze it...and to get up, starring him down into his eyes...

Nolan: You got it wrong kid.

(YN): Wh-Wha??!

Nolan then strikes a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, and spatting out blood, and Nolan striking an uppercut towards his chin, and to again throw a punch to his gut, and sending (YN) flying and crashing to a tree, (YN) recovers from those punches...and is so confused and utterly concern about what is going on with Nolan...

(YN): Wh-What the hells gotten into you?!

Nolan: Simple, nothing. I just came by to finish you off, that's all.

(YN): F-Finish me off???! The fuck are you saying?! You don't make any sense!

Nolan: i know what I'm saying, and I won't repeat it (YN), I'm here to finish you off, you're the only one that's in my way. I've taken care of the guardians, and now I'll be taking care of you at last.

(YN): T-Took cared of the guardians?! What- all makes sense now...and now it is hitting (YN) in his mind...the massacre, Nolan only survivor from that incident, acting very strange ever since...and yet is trying to kill (YN)....

(YN): N-No....Mr.Grayson...don't tell killed the guardians?!

Nolan: ...Why does that matter to you? I did what I have to do, and're next.

(YN): B-But why??! WHY!!?? Why the hell did you-...W-Wait...I-if you did killed the wouldn't happen....about father!

Nolan: ....Me Killing your father doesn't matter right now (YN).

(YN) gasps in shock, and to finally find the person who killed his father back was Nolan, Omni-Man, his eyes widen with anger...and grunts and dashes towards him...


As he goes flying towards Nolan, Nolan quickly pulls something out from his pocket...and to then swing a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, and to managing to Burt's his hand half way in (YN)'s gut, and yet to add the punch, he uses the kryptonite and places it in his gut, and to take out his hand from his gut, (YN) then started to cough a lot of blood out, and to become weaken knowing that kryptonite is his weakness and stuck in his gut, he collapses to the floor...coughing more blood out...Nolan walks up to him...stares him down...

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now