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Later on that the city, we then get to see someone flying in the sky, with such costume design that seems to be made up...this "hero" was flying around the city as he heard gunshots and the alarm setting off at the bank, and this hero happens to be Mary after all, who she then wants to prove herself and her father that she can take it to being a hero....
We then take a look at the bank, and in the alley, we see two men in black suits running away with bags of money, and then another appears, who this one happens to have harden body, nothing but rock, and to wears only pants and boots...he is to be called Titan...

Titan and the two men in suits hid for a sec and catching their breathe

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Titan and the two men in suits hid for a sec and catching their breathe...

Suit Man #1: Damn it man! You're not suppose to run with us idiot! You're suppose to stay behind and get away!

Titan: It's not my fault you had to bring a lot of cops! I can't do that and just let them shoot me!

Suit Man #2: Just shut up and get us over the fence!

Titan grabs both the suites men and to run over the fence and jumping over it...afterwards, he stopped and to see someone dashing towards him, it was Mary, as Mary then spears Titan, letting go of the suited men and bringing him along with her as they fell on the ground...

Mary: Meant to do that.

Titan gets up and recovers...

Titan: Who the hell are you?

Mary: I'm...uh...I'm...I guess I'm working on that, any suggestions?

Titan: Misses bitch that's gonna get these hands!

Mary: Heh, doesn't suit me at all.

Titan rushes at Mary and trying swinging punches at her, but Mary manages to forge them and she manage to throw some punches to Titan..

Mary: Anything else?

Titan: Nrgh!!

He manage to throw punches at Mary, afterwards grabbing her and tossing her to the wall as Mary recovers...Mary then fully charged at Titan again, this time carrying him and crashing him towards houses several times, and to get out from the alley and to let go of Titan as he crashes to the ground and knocks out as Mary approaches to him....

Mary: Hmm, what about "Ass-Kicker" Nah, won't suit me at all.

Nolan: You look ridiculous.

Suddenly, Mary notices to look up and to see her father in his hero costume...

Mary: Oh...hey dad.

Nolan: Let's get out of here.

While both flying away, police started to arrive and to go after the two men and Titan...after, Nolan and Mary were both on a building and to have a little talk...

Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (Mary Grayson x Male Reader) Book #1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum