Well this is weird

15 2 0


12:30 Am

[Chaos Percentage:(0.04)
Cause of chaos
-Building a robot that suppose to be able to destroy the world But only destroyed and injured a few 0.04+ chaos]

[Order Percentage:(99.96)
Cause of order
-Unable to stop it from happening 100 - 0.04 = 99.96 Order left]

So, how should I put this magic

So magic exists in this version of earth and yes the multiverse exists in this version.

Anyways, after being chased by those cops, they have managed to hide away in a somewhat dense forest adding the fact that this forest hides something interesting that people never thought of which is MAGIC.

But these idiots don't know it yet because they're just chilling inside the double-decker bus that is their home also, they have food and a couple of guns with a T.V somewhere don't ask but nevertheless.

Oliver: "So, what should we do now, since we have to escape those cops because of you"

Max: "Well, we will have to stay low for now, and someone needs to buy a motorcycle soon since we need someone to buy solely for getting groceries and crap"

Oliver: "Well thank God, j have prepared us some couple grand to buy us some stuff"

Oscar: "Is it because of you buying and selling on the stock market and you buying an NFT, that you use to let other people buy it and shit to get even more money?"

Oliver: "Yup"

Max: "Thank God we have you on this team"

Oliver: "Yeah, Yeah anyway, you guys set up camp here, I'll just be using the bus to get us the stuff we need along with the motorcycle and Max add some weapons on it"

The 2 idiots: "Kay"

Max:"Got it"

So, Now the idiots are setting up their tents and shit while Otis just walked out on them, nope he just looked for any, sticks or anything much to make a fire while Oliver just hops in the bus and heads to the driver's seat and started the engine and shit and boom he is now driving away and hears to a different city to buy what they need which is food, a motorcycle and some other shit.

Anyways the tents have been set up along with a bonfire-type shit that they have and now they are chilling except the fact that Max had a small droid that has 4 small legs and it has a color of grey to it since max didn't have time to paint it yet.

Anyways the tents have been set up along with a bonfire-type shit that they have and now they are chilling except the fact that Max had a small droid that has 4 small legs and it has a color of grey to it since max didn't have time to paint it yet

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And this was a small, drone that max to destroy some machinery or something but its main purpose is to scout out and maybe kill some people if max ordered it.

Anyways! Max was testing the drone to see if it will move which it did, amazing and he switches into shock mode which is basically has a small Tesla coil the stun vehicles, amazing and quiet effective to have but anyways our Main characters are just chilling.

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