Chapter 60

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Janie woke up and looked around, she was in her room at the new house she realized as she sat up in bed. Her head was pounding and her eyes were itchy. She groaned as she remembered her latest breakdown. She spotted the key on her nightstand and smiled softly then went to the bathroom and washed her face.

Hades was right on her heels as she left the room. She headed back to the memorial room and unlocked the door. Flipping on the light she smiled softly as she walked around the room again.

"Hey Trouble," Gabriel spoke softly as he came up behind her.

"This is just perfect," She whispered as she looking at the painting again. "It's so beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it," He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I don't like it," She shook her head, "I absolutely love it. I just wish I had the chance to tell him before I lost the both of them, but this," She pointed to the painting, "it's how I've imagined how they are now. I know in my heart he is caring for our baby until I can be with them again one day. Adding the rest of my family is more than I could ever imagine. Thank you Gabriel, seriously this is the best present anyone has ever given me."

She turned to face him and hugged him tightly. "You are very welcome Trouble," He said after clearing his throat.

"How did you get all these pictures?" She asked as she walked around the room.

"We gave him the pictures and medals of Oliver," William said as he came into the room.

"And the stuff of Glenn's and his wife we got from the attic and senior center," Nathan said as he came into the room. "You okay Peanut?"

She nodded, "Yeah, this is just what I needed and didn't know. Thank you," She gave him a tight hug. "Thanks everyone for understanding."

"Of course," He said as he kissed the top of her head. "We meant what we said when we told you we aren't trying to replace him, we just want to be a part of your heart like he is."

"You all are," She mumbled into his chest. "I promise."

"Good, now North and Marc are making breakfast, come down when you are ready," he said as he took a step away from her. "But don't rush, take as much time in here as you need."

"Thank you," She smiled as they left her alone in the room with Hades.

Nathan entered the dining room and Luke asked, "Is she okay?"

Nathan nodded, "She is, I think she was just shocked and touched we did that for her."

"I am very thankful," She said as she came up behind him. She sat in Owen's lap, her back to his chest so she could face all of them, "I truly appreciate it, I know you said you weren't trying to replace Oli but I still feared letting you in because I was scared I would lose him even more by caring for you as well. I guess I just thought if I cared for you as well it meant I had to let him go in my heart also. I also didn't want you to feel like you had to compete with him. I know it sounds silly but I can't help it. All I have left of him is my memories and love for him and I can't let go of that. I just can't. That room physically shows me that you understand my bond to him and respect it. You can tell me a million times and I can trust you but that," She pointed up, "that shows me and I can't thank you enough for understanding and for knowing that sometimes I need the physical reassurance more than the words because sometimes I don't even know that I need that kind of reassurance. I don't know how you know when I need the difference and I can't really explain how touching it is to me that you all know and give me that understanding and respect when it comes to him and my life with him. I just...all I can say is thank you."

"Of course," Owen said into her ear and he ran his thumb up and down soothingly on her skin.

"That was all their idea," David nodded, "We just helped after they talked to us about it. They wanted to make sure they weren't crossing lines and they didn't want it to be too much for you. Once they brought it up we knew it was just what you needed."

She got up and hugged and kissed them. "We still have one more surprise for you Cupcake but it's not ready yet," Luke said as he held her in his lap since he was the last one she came to.

"Oh boy," She gasped, "I don't know if I can take any more surprises."

"Oh, you will love this one too," he chuckled as North sat her plate in front of her.

"You are going to spoil me," she chuckled after she took a bite.

"That's the plan," Marc winked, "Then you will never want to leave us."

"Mission accomplished," She smiled softly. "I thought I was too much with everything but you are still here and now doing this," She waved her fork around. "I'm stuck with you like I'm stuck with them," She pointed to William, Stephen, David, and Michael. "Especially now that you have combined forces. Uncle was right, nothing I do or go through seems to scare you away."

"Glad you understand and finally accept it," Brandon smirked.

"Da," Raven smiled as he drank his coffee.

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