They had a TV and a large bookshelf, filled with books, movies, and a few video games they all liked, as well as an old couch and small coffee table. 

---- -----

"Have you seen Ed today?" Marcel climbs into their hideaway, where Harry had been doing his homework, waiting for his brothers to come home and be done with chores.

"No, I thought he had practice?" Harry looks up at Marcel from his sitting place on the couch, wrapped in blankets that smell like his brothers. 

"Hazza, it's five o'clock. He would have been home by now." Marcel points out as he sits next to Harry, putting his arm around him. He had changed into sweats and a t-shirt, comfy clothes since their parents weren't home and he was able to wear them. While he liked his button-downs and slacks, they weren't very comfortable. 

"We really need a clock up here. Or phones. Maybe we should ask mum and father for phones so we can tell each other where we are. I don't really enjoy having to wander around trying to find you guys." Harry leans into Marcel's neck, nosing at his scent gland to scent him. Marcel tips his head to give Harry better access. Harry does this each time he is reunited with his brothers, recharging his Omega and finding out where they have been and who they were with. 

"That's not a bad idea. Shouting isn't too fun, especially since we can't up here." 

Harry sighs in response, laying his head on Marcel's shoulder, moulding his body to that of his brother's, and closing his eyes. "Tired, bubba?" Marcel asks, leaning down to smell Harry's hair, pretty much the only thing he can smell without disturbing Harry. 

"A little, more missing Eddie than anything. He's hardly around anymore. I miss him." Harry whines a little as he noses at Marcel's neck. 

"I know, bubba, me too. I'm trying to be there for you more, since I know he's busy, keeping mum and father off our scents, but it's not the same." Marcel and Edward had talked about this happening, when their parents began to take notice of Edward's "hobbies", they pushed him to make them careers. However, Edward still has his homework, and now social life, on top of sports, so he is hardly home. 

"I know, and I love you for that. But you're right, it's not the same, I need his scent, too. I understand why it all has to happen, and I appreciate the effort both of you put into this scheme, but that doesn't make it any easier for me or my Omega. "

Marcel knows that Harry's not complaining, they've had this conversation dozens of times, and he knows that Harry doesn't want to bottle his emotions, so he lets him talk, calm him down, and they cuddle as best they can, taking comfort in each other's scent and the faint scent of Edward on the blanket draped around them.

---- School (a few days later) ------

Harry is walking to meet Marcel when he overhears some other kids talking.

".... muscles are really defined. Like, I know he works out, but no other guy is that defined, except Jace, who already presented and has a changing body."

"Right?! And his skills on the field, the way he controls the ball and even seems to warn off some of the players when he's really focused. It's a bit weird," another kid responds, and Harry figures out they are talking about Edward. He had slowed down to listen and is about to walk off when another boy spoke up. 

"What about Marcel? He's completely different than he was last year. He was starting to become cool, and he just went full-on nerd. He's so lame. He doesn't interact with anyone who isn't Harry, I haven't even seen him with Edward at all, they probably disowned each other." This last statement makes the rest of the group laugh. 

"And, like, he has a backpack, but he still has a pile of books he carries around and hides behind. He doesn't even try to fit in, or at least pick a group to hang out with. What happens when he presents and no one even knows who he is? How's he going to get through ruts and stuff?" It is a well-known rumour that the Meyers triplets were all Alphas. By this point, Harry has had enough of the jeering at his younger brother.

"Hey! My brother's not lame! He's really strong because he carries all those books. And Edward is still around, they don't hate each other. Marcel could stand up for himself if he wanted to, he just doesn't. And he likes his books, he says the kids in his class just aren't smart enough to hold a conversation with."

"If he can defend himself, why does he always hide behind you? Face it, Marcel's a wimp." the first jeers at Harry, smirking when the others snicker and laugh.

"Harry!" Harry turns and sees Marcel and Edward quickly walking down the hall towards him with barely concealed worry. He remembers that he was supposed to meet Marcel after class and must have lost track of the time. 

"What's going on here?" Edward steps forward, discreetly covering Harry. Harry steps into Marcel's arms and reaches out for Edward's shirt, just so he has some contact with him. 

"Nothing, we were just talking and Harry decided to join us," one of the boys speaks up, slightly intimidated by Edward who glares at the group.

"If that's all, we'll be on our way," Marcel says from behind Harry. He turns them to leave, Edward shortly following after to make sure the boys don't try anything.

Once outside in the courtyard, a safe distance away from everyone in a slightly hidden corner, they hug, sharing scents and taking in each other's company while they can. After a minute, they break apart, sitting on a nearby bench with Harry in between them. Once settled, Edward asks Harry if he's okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine, nothing happened."

"Why weren't you at the meetup spot? We meet up every day to have a little time together."

"I was on my way when I overheard that group of guys talking about you two. They are a little suspicious of Edward, compared you to Jace, Eddie."

"It's fine, I'll just have to tone it down a bit, I guess," Edward says, 

"They were also making fun of Marcy, saying he can't stand up for himself, cause he's a nerd. That's when I spoke up. I told them you aren't, but they didn't believe me." Harry sighs unhappily at the thought of his brother being picked on. 

"Harry, bubba, it's okay. Kids can think what they want. We know the truth and we don't need anyone else to understand or know. We chose this so that we don't get discovered, you know that," Marcel gently says, combing through Harry's hair and scratching his scalp to calm him down.

"Doesn't mean I'm okay with other kids picking on you." Harry pouts into Edward's shoulder, where his head is resting to get as much of his scent as possible. Marcel sighs, accepting Harry's perspective and understanding why it happened. "I wish we didn't have to hide, I like being an Omega, and I like that you're my Alphas. Why is that wrong?" 

Neither of his brothers responds, making it so they sit in silence. They know Harry knows why, he just needs to voice his thoughts sometimes, to be listened to without trying to fix them. They all do sometimes.

Soon the bell rings and Marcel is off to history, while Edward and Harry head to gym. 

"What if he gets picked on, Eddie?" Harry worries as they part ways in the hall.

"He'll be fine, Haz, just like you said, he can take care of himself," Edward responds, guiding Harry through the halls with a hand on his lower back. Since they had found out they were mates, they have been more tactile with each other and sometimes have to remember to tone it down. None of them felt any sexual attraction to the others yet, but they knew it would happen, especially the closer they got to sixteen when their heat/ruts would come and they would fully present.

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