"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner tells us. All of the adults look around at each other, they realize that Dr. Jenner is actually the only one left. He takes us to a room and starts getting out needles, tubes, and bandaids.

Right now is a horrible time to hate needles. We get into a line. I'm behind Carl. He sits in the chair and closes his eyes. I watch as the blood goes up the needle and into the tube.

Carl gets up and it's my turn. I look at my dad and he starts walking over. He holds his hand out, I grab it, and close my eyes. I feel the needle go in my arm, I feel tears come to my eyes. Really Amara? You've watched people die and you're gonna cry over needles?

I feel the needle pull from my arm. I open my eyes and look at my dads hand. There's nail marks. Oops. Jenner turns and gives me a pink bandaid.

"All done!" He says with a smile. I get up out of the chair and walk over to Carl and Sophia.

"What color did you get?" I ask them. They look at their arms.

"Red!" Sophia says. Her bandaid has a cartoon cat on it. I look at Carls. It's a camouflage bandaid. I look down at mine and look at the pink dragon.

Andrea sits down to get her blood drawn. It's the same process only thing is that when it's over Andrea looks pale and she gets dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Jenner asks with a questioning look.

"She hasn't eaten in days, none of us have." Jacqui responds while holding Andrea up. Jacqui walks Andrea to her seat. She walks back and gets her blood drawn last.

Jenner stands up and starts to pack up his stuff. He opens the door and we follow him. He takes us to a room with a huge table and a kitchen.

"You guys can wait here I'll get something going." Jenner tells us. Me, Carl, and Sophia look at each other before getting up and looking around. The room starts to smell like food and my mouth starts to water.

"Do you smell that?" Carl asks me with a smile on his face. Me and Sophia nod our heads.

"Wash your hands!" Carol and Jacqui yell. Me, Sophia, and Carl run to the sink and wash our hands. We walk over to the table and watch as plates of food get set down in front of us.

Everyone picks a spot at the table, Dales places down drinks and glasses, Carol serves the plates. It's quite for the first few minutes, everyone's stuffing their faces with food. Dale finally makes a joke and the talking starts. Wine gets poured in Glenn's cup and he chugs it. People stare at him and laugh.

My dad refills my cup of juice and I look at Carl and Sophia. I don't know why but whenever I make eye contact with them I start laughing. I look at Carl and I laugh. I feel juice come through my nose. Carl throws me a napkin while Sophia's crying from laughter. None of the adults notice.

"More juice please?" Me, Carl, and Sophia ask. Lori, Jacqui, and Carol go to fill up our cups. Dale stops them.

"You know, in Italy the children have a little bit of wine with their dinner! And in France!" He says pointing at me, Carl, and Sophia. Lori looks at Carl.

"Well then when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then." Lori told Dale.

"What's it gonna hurt? Come on. Come on." Rick tells Lori. I look at my dad and Sophia looks at her mom. Carol shakes her head. My dad looks at Lori and Rick. Rick nods his head.

My dad gives Dale my cup and he pours a little in my cup. I look at Carl and take a drink the same time he does. It's the worst thing I've ever drank. I spit it into my empty cup of wine and wipe my mouth. Everyone starts laughing and Sophia starts to laugh as well.

I Wish    (Carl Grimes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now