9:05 PM (Chapter 4)

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An Amazing, Academic Soul.

She touched the heart of every boy

or every girl, or animal that

she met. She will always be special

and will be forever in our





Read the gravestone. Scarlet Todd. The only person who ever understood me. My best friend. She died three years ago today. Every year I come visit her. But this is the best year.

[Authors note:

HAH!!! (If you read the description) you thought that she is happy to become a creature to kill!!! Well, keep reading.]

I am finally my immortal being and I can finally TALK to her spirit! It will be like she is still here! I've missed her so much and I can now be with her!

"Hello, Scarlet?"


"YES IT'S ME!!!"

We had a huge hug.

"Aw! Ang I haven't seen you in... three years!"

"I know and we can be together forever now!"

"How's this possible Ang?"



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