9:05 PM (Chapter 2)

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I am lead by two, very, VERY strong men dressed in weird, clanky metal clothing and visors like the ones that guy in Star Trek wears. They lead me to a room that is one long pathway. On either side of this pathway, has pits of fire. Woopee. Is this all they got? I've been waiting my whole life, for this??? But wait, that's not all that is in the room. The fire illuminates the room just enough that at the end of the path I see a chair, with a man in it. He looks (from what I can see, which is the back of his head) that he might be a... scientist of some sort? An evil doctor, you might say. I can faintly tell his legs are crossed and, he's holding something. A remote? A key? I can't tell... but I know it can't lead to anything good.


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