Chapter One

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I give a weary look at the patient on front of me as, I put a glass tube filled with a red substance inside, inside a syringe.

"Damn! I thought this serum was green? Well now it's red. Who the hell really cares anyway," I yelled to myself.

"This may sting a little. It hurts about 5 times more than a tetanus shot," I added.

The patient quickly said,"No ship' Sherlock."

I squirted water out of the syringe then came to a stop. My eyes drew to my patient's armless elbow. "You'll soon have your arm back."

"I better. Or I'm suing your ass, and I better get my refund," my patient (Paul) said.

I jabbed the syringe firmly into Paul's arm. He clenched his teeth with pain that even made my spine tingle with goosebumps.

"Oh I should probably tell you about the side affects." I said with question, because I forgot to tell him. I injected him with some Anastasia before so now he is felt weary.

"There are.....side......affects...," he tried to yell then plummeted on the pillow beneath him.

"The side affects are nausea, headaches, bloody nose, comas, seizures, death," I said looking at the patient behind me. He looks like he had suffered from a seizure. He had crimson blood dripping from his nose to the inside of his mouth.

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