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Here is a tip on when to use the 'an' in a sentence.

The 'an' should only be used when a voul is in a sentence such as a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y.


"you have a right to an lawyer" ❌

It doesn't sound right

There is no voul in the sentence therefore there is no need to put the 'an'

"There is an acctic in my house" ✅


The difference between "to /too/ two"

Two --> the number

* when writing numbers write it in letter not number *



To --> 'to' go somewhere or 'to' give something 'to' someone.


The two o's in 'too' represent two little heads if one has it then so does the other.


"Both of us 'too' would like 'to' go see the moive."

If you are talking about two people. Always put the other person first.


"My brother and I "

"My friend and I"

"My Mother and I"


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