I stared at the white ceiling for what felt like hours until soon everything just started fading away to a dark screen. Completely silent. Alone. Peace.

I had awaken late that night. Trish was gone. It was eleven p.m. Shit, I've been alseep for almost twelve hours. I felt strange too. Ill-like but I wasn't sick. In an attempt to gain full consciousness I got a steaming hot shower. The steam seemed to help my sick feeling subside. Still I felt strange.

Getting out I wrapped a towl around my hair and body. Walking out of the bathroom I was met by a surprise sitting on Trish's bed. I clutched at the towl around my body.

"God good what are you doing in here, I'm naked."

Eliz rolled her eyes. "Please, trish asked if I would keep an eye out for you while she's in town. And what's the big deal? We're both female. If I see anything I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it."

I scoffed. Whatever. She wishes to be scarred for life so be it. It's her funeral. I got in my closet and pulled out a pair of mini jean shorts, and a neon orange cami. In my dresser I pulled out my hipster underwear and sports bra.

"Whoa, whoa objection." Eliz came up next to me.

I turned an evil eye on her. "Excuse me?"

She grabbed the underwear in my hand. "These remind me of granny panties." She opted for the bra in my hands too. "And a sports bra? What are you a ten year old?"

I snagged my clothing back from her. "It's comfortable."

"And it's so not sexy."

I glared at her, my temper rising by the second. "What do I care I'm the only one whos gonna see. Besides, I'm not you."

She shook her head at me then inched closer. She reached a hand out and traced the outline of my body figure. I stepped back. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm helping you, chill and drop that towl."

"What? No." Even with my objection she managed to get the towl off me. I didn't want anybody seeing my body so I covered up with my hands.

She let out a breath. "Vicks, look at all your wonderous curves. Why would you want to hide that from the world?"

This was getting eerie. This was unnatural behavior and that terrified me. She was doing something. A scheme. And why the fuck did Trish ask the dean's daughter to watch over me?

Unexpectedly Eliz removed my hands. I studied her face. She seemed to be examining my chest. My cheeks flushed crimson. I choked, this was getting a bit uncomfortable. Her eyes slowly traveled up to meet my own.

"Beg my pardon for staring it's just....Would it be weird if I told you that I want to feel your body?"

"Umm..." What the actual fuck!? This is one of my weird dreams again. There is no way Eliz Kroner just said she wants to touch me. Like who just bluntpy states that? Especially the girl practically head of this college campus? It's utter nonsense.

Without confirming or denying her request she gently began running her hands over my chest, traveling down my arms. Then she circled me so she was behind me. With the softest touch she glided the tips of her fingers down my spine. My breath hitched when she neared my sensitive areas. That hitched breath turned into a gasp when she cupped my naked ass.

"Your body... It's so exquisite. Pure." She whispered in a cracked toned. "And the skin that coats all your miraculous curves..." Her voice trailed off as the touch of her angel soft lips connected with my highly sensitive area in the middle of my back.

"Ahh... Eliz!!" I halfway moaned and quickly spun around to face her. "What are you doing?" Anxiety and fear pooled in her eyes and reflected in my own. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I just did that." She sauntered over to my drawr and picked out a neon lacey thong and a matching push-up bra. "Here. If you got it flaunt it. Don't hide the beauty of your body, okay?"

I nodded. This atmosphere was awkward. And I was confused. Why all of a sudden has Eliz been popping up? I never noticed her before. Why did my best friend trust her? Or maybe they trapped Trish somewhere and are just messing with me because I'm icky vicki the lezzy. They just want to torture me. I got dressed in the bathroom and when I came back out Eliz was gone and Trish was back.

"Hey, don't you look hot. Especially for a girl that's not going any where. How was your rest?"

"Better. Thank you. Umm... Where's Elizabeth?"

Trish looked at me funny. "She's in her dorm I just got done talking to her." She scrunched her eyes in curiosity. Questioning me. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she just didn't tell me she was leaving. And left without a word while I was in the bathroom."


That's all she's got to say? What the fuck is with all this suspiciousness tonight? And when had Trish suddenly become all buddy buddy with Elizabeth Kroner? Too many questions and not enough answers. Well fuck this! I will get to the bottom of this. One way or the other.

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