"Permission slips." Harry speaks, an annoyed undertone in his voice that he fails at hiding.

Niall reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and takes out a white piece of paper, I on the other hand don't know what to do.. I hope Harry won't be too mad.

"I don't have it with me." I state, after Niall handed over his permission slip.

"Why's that?" Harry asks, writing something down on the clipboard he's holding on to before looking back up into my eyes.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek and cross my arms over my chest, I really don't want to explain why. Harry doesn't look away and now Niall is also staring at me, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"Because my parents are not there to sign." I tell him, giving him an annoyed look so he knows how I feel about him questioning me.

Niall places a hand on my lower back, wanting to show some kind of support which I appreciate. Harry doesn't seem to know what to say, he looks down at the paper attached on his clipboard and then finally back up into my eyes.

"You could've gotten your brother to sign it." he responds, eyes cold.

Is he serious? Does he really want to have a whole argument about this right now? Everybody on the bus is waiting for us, we're the last students that need to get on and we must be on some kind of time schedule..

"Sir.. Georgie's eighteen, she's legally an adult." Niall speaks up, saving me.

Harry looks at Niall, daggers shooting out of his eyes as he lets his words sink in. I try not to look too pleased with the fact that Niall is right, I on the other hand do look at the guys who are keeping eye contact for a little too long. They look like they're about to fight, it's so very intense.

"Fine. Get on the bus." Harry demands, moving out of the way so we can enter the vehicle.

I remove my eyes from him as I feel how Niall slightly nudges me to walk forward, his hand doesn't leave my lower back as I step on the bus and it gives me a greater comfort than I'm willing to admit.

We walk in between the rows of seats, on our way to the places that Elle got us in the back of the bus.

I don't feel like smiling, a heavy feeling sets itself onto my chest as I can only think about Harry and the way he can change moods like crazy. Is it normal for a person to have that many sides to them? I don't think so.

The day after we hooked up, I woke up in Harry's room alone. He didn't come crawling into bed with me, like I thought he would, it made me feel very insecure. It must be something about me that doesn't make him want to be close to me, which sucks.

I went downstairs and expected to see him there, but I didn't. I however did see Charlie, he came running to me from the moment I walked into the living room. I was still wondering where he was last night but Harry never answered my question so I just let it go and forgot about it.

Harry was nowhere to be found, not in the kitchen making breakfast and not in the garden soaking up the warmth of the morning sun. I didn't know what to do, so I spent some time playing with Charlie.

It was at least an hour later that Harry came walking inside the house, he was holding on to some grocery bags and he looked extremely tired. I tried to help him with unloading the groceries but he didn't let me, he wasn't having it and didn't even let me touch him.

I didn't do anything.. I mean, what was I supposed to do? I can't get mad at him, he just sees me as an easy fuck and I'll have to accept that.

Harry drove me back home in complete silence, he only gave me a nod when we said goodbye and I was so shocked in the moment that I didn't stand up for myself. I should have told him, made him see how horribly he was treating me. He probably wouldn't even care..

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