The Chronics of Catarsia

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I was sitting next to the window, admiring the land I was about to leave, where I would never return. I had always dreamt of running away, but now that it was going to come true, I felt anxious, even scared. My feelings confused me: I shouldn't be doubting, there was nothing left for me in that place. However, I could not forget all the memories that I created there. After all, it was my home, everything that I knew and ever loved.

I tried to calm myself thinking about the bright future waiting for me. It may be risky, but it would be worth it because I finally would be breaking free. For most people, my behavior would be reckless, even childish. I had everything in the palm of my hand, and I would be giving it all away in minutes. But what are castles and richness if I do not own them? Why would I want a dynasty if I cannot lead it? I did not want to be the woman who would raise the next king. I deserved more: I would rule my own empire. Therefore, I had to run away.

"Everything's ready," informed me someone behind my back. It was Jess, one of the maids and a dear friend of mine. "Remember you have just a few minutes before the crew realizes your absence, so you must run as fast as you can."

I thanked her for helping me, and I promised her that I would write whenever I arrived at my destiny. Then, I set off to Patherton after I hugged my friend tightly. Once I got there, I was supposed to find Mrs. Hall, Jess' aunt, who would assist me while I started this new chapter of my life.

I was riding the horse I stole, a couple of miles far from the palace, when I heard the alarm go on. I could not help but smile. I bet my father was hitting the roof at that precise moment. I could not blame him: his only child escaped a week before the wedding he had arranged. He would be in serious problems any time soon. Nevertheless, that was not of my concern, not now.

After traveling several hours, I finally decided to stop and get a rest. My noble steed was exhausted due to the journey. Moreover, the night had already appeared beneath our heads. I considered camping in the woods, but I feared wild animals and bandits, so I sought refuge in the first lodge I found. Fortunately, nobody would recognize me in these scruffy clothes.

"We ought to wait for the worst: without offspring, the king's power is weak, and many will try to steal it from him," it was said as I passed by.

Another man complained immediately after. "That means war! And you know who will have to fight, don't you? Us, of course. Despite the fact he couldn't control his daughter, we are the ones to pay the price."

Everywhere I went, people were talking about the incoming crisis. For a second, I even thought of coming back to play my role as a queen. I could be the leader this kingdom needs, but my father wouldn't tolerate it. Maybe he was the one who had to disappear–. My wonders were interrupted by an intrusive glance in my direction; two men were looking at me and whispering at the same time, so I covered my face with the hood and rushed to ask for accommodation.

Once in the room the innkeeper offered me, I could relax at last, which does not mean I could sleep. The party from the first floor did not end until dawn. Also, the thick width of the walls did not help. Every few minutes, a loving couple crossed the hall to waste the night away, laughing. Sometimes they tumbled their way to their room because of all the alcohol they had consumed. That is why I did not worry about the heavy steps that led to my door. When the shadow under it did not go away after a few minutes, I started to tremble. Afterward, the stranger tried to force the gate.

"Did you know your daddy offers a big reward to who brings you back to the castle, priinceesss?"  He pulled the words as he talked. It was evident he was not at his best: he had had way too much fun before he decided to do the job. "You are lucky they want you alive. Otherwise, I would kill you with my own hands, you snobbish bitch."

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