We went swimming and I met a nice boy, he's cute as well. His name is Asher, and I got his phone number. I don't know why I did, considering I still have a crush on Harry but, I can't complain.

Her mom then picked us up and drove us back home where she had a shower and then I did. I braided her hair as we gossiped and talked about random shit that made us both laugh.

For dinner, her mom made spaghetti which is my favourite and especially her spaghetti. Harry again, still wasn't here and when I asked, Anne said he was with Niall.

And Gemma got mad at me for asking about him.

I didn't mean too, it kind of just slipped out. I know she doesn't like me talking about Harry so I don't, I think about him all the time though. And the night went on, I told Gemma I was sorry and that I was curious and I also thought it was a little sensitive that I asked where he was and she got mad. It was about 10 we went to sleep after watching many episodes of Friends.

I was still thinking about Harry though, I couldn't help it. His gorgeous green eyes, rugged expression, brown curls usually held back by a bandana, classic black jeans and shirt, all of it just made me smile to myself.

As I was drifting off into a sleep, however, Harry was now home and I thought he was alone but obviously not. "Harry," I hear through the wall making my eyes pop open and I lift my head up.

"Shh," he says back.

Because Gemma's bed was up against the wall and Harrys bed was on the other side of the wall, it wasn't quiet for us. I was near the wall too, that's fucking awesome.

I hear his bed squeak and the girl moaning. I fold my lips in a line, wishing Gemma would wake up now. This isn't the first time he's done it but Gemma said to him to not do it anymore.

I could hear the girl panting but nothing from Harry. She moans again, and then I finally here Harry; "you're going to get me in trouble, shush,"

When they start going again, Gemma crawls over me and starts banging on the wall, the girl gasping. "Harry Edward!" she screams it makes me cover my ears.

"Fuck off Gemma!" he yells back and I can tell that the girl is probably like; what the fuck?

I just lay there, my ears covered. I didn't understand why he always and got with girls at all and I know he does it at night because he thinks that everyone's not gonna hear him. But these two yelling at each other from wall to wall only meant one thing.

Another argument.

She storms out her room and starts banging on Harrys door and I sit up, it only being 10:15pm. I stand up and stand in the door way, Harry ripping his door open in only basketball shorts.

"You're going to wake mom up," he said quietly.

"Can you not? I'm trying to sleep!"

I zone out and looked at his torso. His abs, oh my god they were mouth watering. He had tattoos all over him, a butterfly in the middle of his chest, swallow birds just above his collarbones and fern leafs near his incredibly prominent v-lines. His skin was tan and his biceps were so strong, like he worked out daily.

I zone back in, Anne now standing there. "So you have to do that when I have Lex over!" she shouts, Anne rubbing her eyes.

His eyes meet with mine, his jaw clenched and I got instant butterflies. He looks me up and down, I was only wearing a sports bra and sweatpants because I definitely didn't think I would be in this situation.

He pulls his eyes away from me, looking back at Gemma. "What I do is none of your concern!" he says just as loud.

"Well it should, you're so annoying, I hate you!"

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