"Brother," she protects her nose as she inhales. 

"What is the world doing?" Asking her questions that only she has the power to answer. 

Elska stills, "they are burning some of their healers." 

"Burning their healers. How foolish." 

"They burn the ones like Morvared who have Nature in their hearts." 

"Those are their strongest healers." I counter her. 

"They are, but, those healers started to poison the other healers. There is an internal war waging between the healers of the world. Most have died for Nature and the Moon. There are only a few left now. Those that have survived are incredibly powerful, Odin." She speaks out her warning. 

"So am I sister." Giving her comfort back. 

"You've been trained by Morvared, they have not. We have the book of war, they have their own books." Elska pauses—"those healers believe their book will defeat anything our book possesses. They don't understand, both books are the same book." 

"How do you know that?" She's never told me this before. What else does she keep secret? 

"My teacher told me about the Great Migration when the Moon moved her army from the Far North and sailed across the sea. We come from one book not many books. But as time went by, the Alphas believed they are the greatest pack, when we all have come from one place. One territory." 

"Interesting. What else has your teacher told you." 

Elska's body misaligns suddenly but she catches herself before falling. 

"Don't ask me about my teacher again, brother." A skeletal shake comes out as a tremble in her words. She pulls a hard breath inwards and spits on the ground. Tongue cleaning her teeth. She spits again. 

"I won't ask again, sister." My hand grips her shoulder, and she relaxes. 

"What else is the world doing?" Steering clear of the teacher, of her time within the Dunes. Shamus is watching my sister closely with teeth bared. Ready to fight. 

Elska swallows, and it seems there is a foul taste left in her mouth. She gags. 

"They have a leader. Before there were many voices with many ideas. Now, most of the packs from across the sea follow just one voice."

"One voice?" Questioning her.

"He had to fight for the position. They think he will save the world." 

"Save the world," I repeat. 

"Yes, from all the blood. He's created the Movement." 

"The Movement?"

"That's what they are calling this. The Movement. The world comes together as one to defeat the Abomination. The Moon's law will be followed."  

"They will never defeat, Charlie." The belief comes from the marrow of bones. 

Laugher swirls on the wind, and the eyes of the one that stalks me reveal themselves. The Night fades into the darkness of the forest where the sun's rays cannot penetrate. 

"They believe they will. The Moon is on their side. They have the numbers. You can't kill them all. You do not understand how many are coming. I can't put it into words how many are coming, Odin."  Elska's voice becomes a growing thunder. She wants me to hear her. 

"I understand." Trying to calm her emotions down. 

"No, you don't understand, Odin." The heel of her foot stomps down. My father silently looks toward me. Enough they yell at me. Enough. 

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