38.Get out of here!!

Start from the beginning

Red with rage and alcohol..

"Were you drinking? " She asked getting closer to hold his face involuntarily..
But when he looked directly at her eyes she stoped in her path, her hands stop in the mid air.

"Where were you? " He asked coldly...
"I was in my office " She said confused...

"How long will you lie to me??... Do you think I am stupid Naomi Gellar??" He screamed with disgust in his eyes...

Naomi flinch due to his change in tone. He never looked at me with so much disgust she thought.

She is too stunned to speak because she never seen him like this... And she is getting more confused and concerned.

"Why will i-" She got interrupted when a roll of papers were thrown at her...

"Couldn't you wait atleast till the end of our contract!!!.... Are you so desparate to get fucked ,that you couldn't resist!!.......How could you play with my reputation and my image!!!!......." Nicholas took a deep breadth as he was lacking oxygen...

Nicholas felt like someone is squeezing his throat and lungs preventing him to take regular breadth and the pain in his heart making him close his eyes.

Only question running in his mind..
How could she??, wasn't i enough ever!!!'

It's not about reputation ,although he accused of her that. He wanted answer. He isn't in his sense anymore.
He want her to feel the pain, the same pain she is causing to him.

Naomi looked at the image,and couldnt believe what she saw..... She wanted to clear everything and tell him everything today....

She wants to hold him hug him and begg him to trust her that the picture isn't true. He have to believe her,he needs to trust her. Will he not believe me if I try?? but what she hears next refrained her from doing anything she thought...

Nicholas didn't even realise what he is saying or he is going to say because long ago he stoped thinking from his brain and gave the whole control to his emotions....

His emotion is overpowering every rational sense of his. Only thing he is thinking now to hurt Naomi like she hurt him...

He didn't even realise when he utter the next word.

"I thought you were different, but how can i be so blind... Definitely you were desparate... And may be that's why you slept with me too..... I should have understand why were you so distant suddenly...got back with your college boyfriend...is he a good fuck?? That's why you couldn't resist him!!! " He laughed maniacally....

"And that's why whole media saw you sucking each other face in public... What are they saying do you know!!



Gossip media and social media have more pathetic things to say.. People are laughing at me!!
They are saying I couldn't satisfy you, some saying I have veneral disease, some saying I am a pathetic lover, some says


Do i deserve this??? Tell me.... "

Tainted Love (Completed✔️) Where stories live. Discover now