The Awakening Part 1: Air assault by DEM.

Start from the beginning

The Queen began to think for a moment, before responding with her answer.

Queen: What about the other spirits?

???: That will depend on their own view of the situation. . . when that time comes.

She extended out her hand.

???: So what do you say, Queen?

The White Queen stared at her, before reaching out and shaking her hand.

Queen: Very well, until the common enemy is dealt with . . . lets work together . . . uh?

"Oh! I do apologies, we have been talking for so long, I haven't even introduced myself. . . You may refer to me as . . . Ren.

Location: Tengu Cultural Fair.

Sprits P.O.V:

So, Shido Itsuka has disappeared from his harem of Spirits. Let's see they taking the situation.

"This is your fault, Stupid Tohka!" Origami yelled while still maintaining a stoic expression.

Tohka: My fault! How?!

"Obviously Shido couldn't stand you anymore, and obviously had no choice but to leave, I understand perfectly . . . Having to take care of someone with the mindset of a child." Origami replied.


Tohka had lost it, and lunged herself towards Origami, hands ready to strangle the life out of her.



Tohka felt a heavy blow on the back of her neck, and stumbled onto the ground, she began to rub the back of her neck while Turning her head to back to see who had decides to hit her, and saw Kotori's disappointed face stare back at her.

Kotori: Do you honestly think this is the best place to get angry, unless you don't remember, we're in a public festival!

Tohka: ?!

Tohka took a look around, the sight of thousands of people enjoying themselves in a rare public event made her remember the reason they had all come in the first place.

"And you Origami" Kotori then yelled to the stoic face girl "You can annoy Tohka later for all I care, we have bigger issues to deal with than your childish antic's".

Origami: Grrr.  .  .

Rinne: She's right, we should focus on finding Shido first.

Mayuri: And Rio as well.

Rinne and Marina: What?!

Mayuri: Rio isn't here either, she's gone as well.

Rinne: H-HUH?! No, that's not right?! Rio is right here, right next to-

Rinne turns her head, expecting to see little Rio right next to her . . . But true to Mayuri's words, she was gone as well.

Rinne: N-No way . . . She really is gone! Rio! RIO!!!

Rinne began to about out Rio's name, though with the amounts of noise going around with the festival, her words were not traveling far.

Rinne: Both Shido and Rio are gone! Why?! Where could they have gone?

Yoshino: R-Rinne san. . .

Rinne: Huh! Oh don't worry about me . . . I'm just worried, that's all.  

That was when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, she turned and found Maria looking back at her.

Maria: We know how you feel, we're worried as well, even Tsundere Marina.

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