07 : nerd and hoe

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"What type of question is that?"

"I asked what are you doing at a party, goodie two shoes?"

Kamil rolls his eyes, "Only after you answer why were you sitting in a room half-naked?"

I squid my eyes at him, "I was in a bra. And I was making out with someone—"

"That I can see."

"Yup, so she said that she will be back but it's been like an hour."

"Who were you with?"


"Ashley Lancaster?"

"There is only one Ashley in our grade."

"I saw her arguing with Riley downstairs—"

"Oh, so sad." I pout, feeling sad for her. "Fights usually drain me mentally."

"—but then they started kissing each other aggressively."

"Good for her." I suck in a deep breath before yelling, "Get it, SIS!"

Kamil clasp a hand over his ear, "Jeez, you are even more insufferable when you are drunk." My lips into a smile at him. For some reason, after forcing me into my shirt, Kamil sits on the opposite side of the bed while I lay my back on the headboard which might fall if I bang my body one more time.

As a joke, I am banging my body on the headboard because I am restless. The silence between us is very awkward. I tap my fingers on my knees, "What are you doing here?"

"Doing here?"

"On—at the party." My head tilts to one of the sides, "I thought you were a goodie two shoe."

"Shut it. Libby dragged me here. She and the rest of the gang wanted to get drunk tonight. Someone needed to make sure that they end up home."

I nod. After a few beats, I ask. "Kamil?"


"Do you ever realise that your friends only want you when they need your help?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think your friends are selfish."


"They always depend on you for the dumbest thing. And I know I have not known all of you for a long time, but I hate you all and I notice these things. I know you do their homework, I know you cover for them and I also know that you are the reason that even get invited to parties or any private high school events—"

"Avery, stop. You don't know my friends and you sure as hell don't know how they treat me. I do all those things because I want to. You are drunk and saying stupid shit. Do you want me to take you home?"

I fold my arms across my chest, "I am not that drunk. And there it goes. Your saviour complex except it does not show when I am getting bullied. Then you are a bystander—" The look on his face stops my words. His face has morphed into a grey cloud that regrets its lightning and the storm he caused. Or the one where let it all happen. The bullying started in seventh grade when I snitched about how Kate kept whistling from the back of the class. It was just teasing and meaningless jokes behind my back but gradually it got worse in freshman year when she made me the prank object in the assembly. I had a mild panic attack in the bathroom that day which a teacher saw and called Valerie to take me home.

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