Chapter 27

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The next night

Michael comes back to the house injured as his target was still was Laurie as she had shot two of his fingers off which Linket felt as she got off the bed going to him as She felt his pain. When she gets to him he was in the kitchen with the medical kit disinfecting were he lost his ring finger and little finger as he then starts wrapping it up in a bandage as she watches him as he looks at his newly bandaged hand as she noticed he dose have his ring finger or pinky finger. Which shows to her he went after someone who then shot him in the hand while he noticed her in the doorway almost thinking it was someone else before he knew it was her As she gose to him been careful as she could tell he was still in kill mode. But he watches her every move while she gets to him and hugs him as he hugs her back calming down a bit as she nuzzles into him as he moves his injured hand through her hair as she says to him. Who hurt you. He nuzzles her and writes on a peice of paper on the bench with his normal hand as she sees that he written down laurie as she nuzzles him as he puts his hand around her as he starts feeling tired as she helps him over to the living room to the couch. While she sits him down while he starts dozing off while she sneaks out deciding to go to find and kill laurie for Michael and to get rid of her.

A few hours later

Linket gets to Laurie fortress as she gose through the open door that was opened from Michael while he was secretly watching from hearing Linket leaving as she walks in looking around into she heard laurie moving around upstairs while Linket gose upstairs with Michael secretly following her. as she gose off into a different room while Michael gose straight towards where laurie is and then heard someone saying. Grandmother. Grandmother. Linket then gose to investigate hearing something that sounds like it's closing as she gose to the kitchen and sniffs around a bit smelling two humans under her as Michael comes up behind her with a fire poker as she looks at him as he scared her a bit. As he points to the bench and she looks at it confused as he gose to it and starts to try and lift it while she gose and trys to help him lift it as she felt it moving which made her realise that there is a hiding spot under the kitchen. As Michael then lifts it off it's hinges as a female in the hiding spot starts gasping as Michael waits for a bit as the female says referring to laurie. Mom. Im sorry I can't do it. Linket was about to go but Michael dose and gets shot as laurie comes from the darkness stabbing Michael in the shoulder as he hits her with the fire poker as she grabs a frying pan hitting Michael as he falls into the hiding area. while Linket trys to go as laurie but her daughter and granddaughter are out as laurie smacks Linket across the face with the pan as she falls in the hiding area next to Michael. Which makes him get up and starts going up to them but laurie grabs a handle making bars appears while gas starts leaking out while laurie grabs a flare and lights it and throws it in the area to kill them with fire. While Linket gets up standing near Michael to be away from the fire as he was looking up at Laurie and her granddaughter and daughter as they leaves quickly as Michael grabs Linket keeping her close as he takes her to the weapons room and shuts the rolling door to keep them away from the fire. While he could also tell Linket was scared as he kept her close to try and keep her safe just incase the fire come in the weapons room.

A hour later

Linket was getting scared of the fire as Michael keeps her close into the heard someone falling through the floor as Michael opens the rolling door and looks seen a firefighter and gose to him picking up a halligan bar and starts stabbing the person in the face killing him as Linket stays behind Michael trying to keep away from the fire as she clings to him a bit which he didn't mind. While she holds onto him like it's a piggy back ride while he gose and grabs another firefighters hand pulling him in and killing him as Michael pulls himself up through the hole with Linket on his back as Michael gose out the front door killing a firefighter who was spraying water at him. While Michael then kills another one breaking the halligan bar as a firefighter gets a saw ready but Michael gose to the firefighter and grabs the saw forcing it onto her slicing her throat open killing her and then he grabs an axe killing some more firefighters with it. Into he decided to throw it at someone head while Linket hands him a scythe that cinder gave her a while ago as he used it against more firefighters and fights his way out when all the firefighters are dead laurie house collapsed as Michael leaves with Linket on his back.

At a house

Michael breaks into a house going into the bathroom as he opens a medical cabinet which Linket watches as she had her h ad on his shoulder watching him as he takes off an old bandage on his hand and puts a new bandage on into a small drone comes in as Michael smacks it away into a wall. he then gose grabbing it throwing it out while he gose back to putting the bandage on while someone turns the light on making Linket whimper a bit as the light hurt her eyes as Michael looks and punches the light smashing the light as he Was about to go at the old man. But the old man closed the door as Michael gose out a different way grabbing the man through some glass and starts slamming his head in through the glass leaving him on the ground to bleed as he gose through the broken glass looking at the old lady. As she trys to escape but Michael starts making his way to her as she pulls a knife out at him which make him go grabbing a stick light and breaking it looking at her as she screams and crys while he gose to her stabbing her through the throat and savagely pulls it out making her fall to the ground. while Michael then gose to the old man grabbing him dragging him to a table picking him up putting him on the table as Michael looks at the knives and starts using one by one stabbing them into him. into Michael finds one he likes a very large chef's knife and leaves with it with Linket on his back as he starts making his way home to think about what to do now.

Back at Michael house and cabin

When they gets to the house it was surrounded by police as Linket whispers to him. I'm sorry about your house. But we need to go somewhere else for now. We will come back I promise. He nodes and gose off to abandoned cabin in the woods near his house but no one knew it was there but Michael as he would go there to hide from the police If they are around his house. When they get to the cabin he lets her off his back as she gets off while he takes her by the hand guiding her inside as she follows him inside he puts her inside and hugs her and whispers to her deeply and darkly. Ill b...back s...soon I....I P...promise. she nodes as he left locking the door she went and had a look around the cabin looking for a light tight spot to claim it as her sleeping place. She finds a place which was in a attic which she didn't mind just as long as she can sleep as she decided to go into the attic seen a old bed there which she hopes that will be comfortable.

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