Chapter 6

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A few days later at Michael house

Linket was sleeping since it's during the day as Michael was watching her laying next to her as he had his arms around her keeping her close which she didn't mind while she did like been close to him. While she continues sleeping as he starts thinking about Freddy and Ghostface are since cinder set them free as well then Michael notice that it was becoming night while Linket continues sleeping as she dose sleep in a bit. Michael starts stroking her hair which makes her start waking up a bit watching him as he starts caressing her cheek a bit while she then rest her hand on his hand nuzzling into his hand Into he decided to pick her up shocking her a bit then yelps giggling a bit and says to him. What are you doing Michael. He sets her between his legs as her legs warp around his waist while he nuzzles into her chest making blushes into she starts feeling he is a bit warmer than normal as she says to him. Are you alright. He nodes not wanting to tell her that there was something wrong while she then runs a hand down his back while he takes his mask off and starts kissing her neck and then makes his way to her cheek as she noticed how scard his face is which she didn't notice last time. While he starts kissing her on the lips as she kisses back also noticing he had a scar down his left eye and he was also blind in that eye While she kisses him she warps her arms around his neck as she runs hand down to his chest and starts unzipping his jumpsuit while his hands where holding her waist But then there was a knock at the door as he Huff's a big annoyed as Linket says to him. Settle down we will continue later. He sighs putting his mask on as she leaves him as he stays in the room just incase while she left the room while she gose down stairs answering the front door finding an old man as she says to him. Can I help you. The old man says to her. I never knew anyone lived here. I am Samuel Loomis. Michael Myers doctor. She says to him not knowing Michael had a doctor which makes her think a bit. I am Linket star and I just moved in here. who is Michael Myers I've never heard of him. She looks at him and decided to let him in as they go over to the couch while Linket was hoping Michael will keep hidden as Michael was secretly listening after hearing the name of his sanatarium doctor while Loomis says to her while they seat. Michael Myers was my patient in Smith's Grove sanatarium. when he was 6 years old he brutally murder his sister on Halloween. 15 years later he broke out and went after another target he had in mind. He then went missing for years. now he has come back and went after his target again and I was made to stop him by shooting him 6 times and when I went to check on him. he was gone. So I would of throught he had come back home but since your here and alive he doesn't seem to be here. Unless he is using you to keep hidden and threaten you to keep you quite. Linket listens to him as she was hearing Michael quitely moving around she could only hear him from her vampire hearing as she says to him. Do you think he would of let me answer the door. if he knew you would come looking for him. Loomis thinks for a moment having the feeling she is hiding something while Michael sneaks downstairs secretly watching her as Loomis says to Linket. He could be easily threatening you. Linket starts thinking of how to reply into Michael grabs her by the hair been a bit rough and takes her as a hostage as Loomis sees and pulls out his gun while Michael uses Linket as a shield while Loomis says to Michael. Let her go Michael. please let her go. she has nothing to do with this. Michael keeps her close into the vampire authorities burst into the house pointing there guns at Loomis and the leader says to Loomis. Put your weapon down human. You do realise you are pointing a gun at the vampire king's Daughter and her boyfriend. Linket was confused as she didn't know who her creator was but she didn't think it was the vampire king. While Loomis lowers his gun shocked learning that Linket and Michael are together while the vampire authorities escort Loomis out as the leader says to Linket and Michael. The king Wants to see both of you. Linket nodes as she and Michael follows him.

A hour later at the vampire king's mansion

Linket and Michael walks in with the vampire authority leader leading them to the throne room as both Michael and Linket noticed cinder knocked out on the ground in a cage As Linket also smelt Freddy and Ghostface around while Michael kept her close. as they walk feeling her become tense knowing something is wrong which the vampire king noticed While both Michael and Linket gets to the throne as the vampire king dismissed the authorities as they left and the king says to Linket and Michael. Ah the new mates. I suppose star I should be calling you Myers now. Linket blushes a bit as the king decided to hit a nerve saying to Linket. I wonder how your dead mother would feel about you turning into a vampire and getting together with a slasher. Linket looks away which makes Michael mad while the king says to Linket. Or maybe you have daddy issues. He snaps his fingers as a few vampire guards drags in Linket human father as the king says to her. I may be your new vampire father don't know how I didn't recognise you when I almost killed you. But who was the better father me the one who let you be with Myers or your human father who left you after birth. Linket thinks looking between the king and her human father as she stays close to Michael while she starts grinning to herself secretly as she says to him. I chose my own opinion Carlisle Cullen. He was there for me more then you and my human father was put together! You may of turned me but Carlisle looked after me more then you did! The king hissed as she hisses back as Carlisle was dragged in along with Freddy and Ghostface as Linket growls as she secretly grabs Michael knife out of his pocket and throws it at the king making him growl while he gets ready to blast her away with his fairy magic. Cinder then get up grabbing her scythe throwing it at Linket as she catch it while been blasted away out a window and elsewhere as the guards grabs Michael arresting him and puts him in with cinder as the king knew Linket will come back.

With Linket

Linket gose flying into forks Washington onto werewolf land as she gets up and runs jumping into the vampire land before been spotted by the werewolves as she jumps into the vampire land she runs in vampire speed to the Cullen's house looking for Esme or Emmett or both then Linket gets into the house seen Esme crying worried about Carlisle as Linket gose to her and says to her. I promise I'll get him back for you I need someone to help me fight. Esme nodes understanding and says. I know someone who can help you. Linket nodes as Esme starts summoning someone as he appears behind Linket as she sees him and looks up at him and he says to her. Ill help you mostly beacuse I want my slashers back and my sister. Linket nodes as Esme says. Shadow devil meet Linket. Linket meet shadow devil. Linket says to shadow devil. Nice to meet you shadow devil. Shadow devil bowls and says. As to you Linket I can smell your with Myers. Linket blushes as he takes her hand carefully kissing it making her blush more as shadow devil says to her. First let's come up with a plan for battle. Linket nodes understanding and says. Cinder gave me her scythe. Shadow devil sees Linket holding cinder black crystal scythe and nodes as he says. We can work that into the plan. Linket nodes understanding.

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