Comincia dall'inizio

'Because you happened to be in the same place as well. It's always unintentional.' You recalled the voice's words.

Nico held your hands, alarmed that you were panicking. "Hey, hey. We'll just discuss what to do about the gala tonight."

"Gala..." Your eyes enlarged. "It's tonight? Sh-Should I go? I mean, I should, right?"

Alex shook his head. "The doctor said you should rest. We can't let you go to the party like this."

"I'm fine." You argued, fearing feeling abandoned again. "I promise..."

Alex started at your begging eyes as your grasped Nico's hand for comfort. And for just one moment, seeing your pleading big doe eyes, Alex's heart skipped a beat. Alex softly gulped. "Fine. But we're keeping an eye on you."

"Alex!" Nico scolded. "She can't go. I don't want her to tire herself because of the party and the plan."

You gently tugged Nico's arm to get her attention. It worked since Nico looked at you, her eyes filling with concern. "I'll be fine, I promise."

Nico stared at you for a moment, debating if she should agree or not. She sighed in defeat. "Okay. But you're not coming to Timely Coffee today. We'll video call you. We don't want you feeling left out."

In astonishment, your eyes blinked twice. It was as if she could read your mind and sense your emotions. Molly excitedly clapped her hands and quietly plotted what she would wear to the banquet with you. You drew Nico into a tight hug, pressing your cheek against her shoulder. Nico froze in surprise and looked at Alex, who greeted her with a kind smile. Nico returned your hug with a smile.

Nico misses Amy tremendously and will stop at nothing to learn the truth about her older sister's death. But she promised to remember that she is your older sister and will protect you from harm.

Alex, Nico, and Molly left the house to go to the café, where Gert, Chase, and Karoline were waiting. Nico started calling you, and you opened your tablet to see her. You and Nico gave each other a small wave, which Alex found amusing and adorable, before Nico faced her phone to everyone so that you could see them. "So, what's the plan?" Gert asked.

"Yeah, Alex?" Molly asked eagerly.

"Why does everyone assume Alex has a plan?" Chase complained. "Someone else might have a plan."

Alex shrugged. "Great. Let's hear it." He turned his head to Chase, and Chase looked back at him in surprise. "O-Oh, I just meant hypothetically."

You broke into a smile, which Alex caught, causing him to chuckle.

"Guys, all I meant is are we carpooling or going separately, and how dressed up is everyone gonna get?" Gert asked.

"Oh, uh, suit, no tie," Chase replied.

"Oh, so that you have a plan for." Alex rolled his eyes with a smile. You quietly chuckled, and Alex couldn't get enough of it. For some reason, after knowing you were sick, Alex was just as worried as Nico. He didn't know why since he barely knew you.

But when he saw your eyes and smile, Alex became more confused with his feelings towards you.

"Also, my parents are okay footing the bill for a limo," Chase added, unknowingly breaking Alex out of his train of thoughts.

"Mine, too." Karolina nodded.

"Yeah, my parents have been really nice these days," Alex expressed.

"Guys, we cannot have the carbon footprint of a fleet of limos." Gert pointed out.

"Nico, I could pick you up if you wanted to go together." You chewed your inner cheek after hearing Alex's recommendation to Nico. You leaned your back against your pillow, remembering you don't even have a date. 'Oh, fuck dates.' You huffed.

"Karolina, I practically go right past your house." Chase smiled at the blonde girl. Karolina slowly nodded, not really on board with being picked up by her friend, and glanced at Nico, who glanced at her back.

"Some of us are too young to date," Molly notified everyone.

"Dating is so heteronormative," Gert stated. "One limo, five stops."

Alex nodded in agreement, not knowing that Nico was beginning to have doubts about the plan and their parents. After her short training with Tina earlier in the morning using the magic staff, she felt closure to her mother. Nico became reluctant.

"Okay, so we figured out the transportation situation," Alex announced. Everybody cool what happens once we get there?"

"Once that video is out, there's no going back," Chase informed. "Our parents will be put away forever."

"And that's a bad thing?" Karolina asked incredulously.

"No, but don't you have questions?" You heard Molly ask.

"Maybe we should try talking to them," Nico proposed. "You know, one last time."

Alex shook his head. "I don't know. I think the time for talking is over." He told Nico. "But everybody's gotta be in. I know I am." He held his hand out, and Karolina immediately joined. Gert placed her hand on top of Karolina along with Molly. Nico hesitated but put her hand in as well, earning a loving smile from Karolina. Alex smiled at you as you watched them do their thing. "You in, Sitcom?"

You playfully rolled your eyes. "I would put my hand there but, yeah, sure."

"That's my girl." Alex grinned. You froze after hearing Alex's comment, and Nico seemed unbothered. 'His... what?' You tried to act cool, but you secretly wanted to scream in your pillow.

"Chase put your hand in." Molly scolded.

"Sorry, I didn't realize putting my hand in a pile was some kind of legally binding contract," Chase replied.

"It's symbolic," Alex clarified.

Chase sighed. "Yeah, well, of course, I'm in." He placed his hand on top of the other hands. "Who hates their dad more than me?"

The group stayed silent for a moment until Gert spoke up. "So, how long do we have to do this?"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 | 𝐀. 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 [𝟏]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora