Chapter 29 - Angel's Resolve

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Hunter draws me closer to him, and I feel his kiss starting to turn rough and more passionate. His tongue is seeking mine, crushing my lips, and I respond to the call of passion rather well.

Have I gone crazy to act like this?

Am I putting myself in trouble now?

It feels so wonderful, so liberating, and yet a shadow of distress is there, I won't deny.

Perhaps, it's because I know who is kissing me—Hunter Stone, the man I swore to abhor, the man who pays me with money, the man who doesn't even deserve this attention and response from me. Just the knowledge of who he is makes the kiss a little unpleasant, but not entirely. Hunter has disarmed me and made me forget how awful a man he is.

When our lips part, I find myself panting.

"Don't do it," I whisper, catching my breath.

His thumb traces the outline of my lower lip. His eyes are smoldering like fire, like he wants to devour me again, like my lips are sweet temptations he finds so difficult to resist.

"My apologies," Hunter answers, his gaze still fixed on my mouth. "It won't happen again."

"Swear it to me, Hunter Stone."

"I swear." His gaze drops to the floor. "Time to go."

The whole time we are going down the elevator, Hunter's hand clasps mine tightly as though somebody's going to steal me away from him. His silence means more than words. The sudden call he got from Will has angered him so much. With the way he's holding me so tight that I think I am going to lose blood circulation around the area, suggests that he's very much disappointed. Whatever happened with their deal, I am happy my parents are on their way to Colombia now.

When we reach the lobby, the paparazzi swarm around us with their tape recorders, cameras, and microphones. There are so many of them that Hunter's security could not keep up. I feel like my body is being pushed in all directions. I got hit by the camera lenses and hands push my back, until I feel a tough grasp around my waist, pulling me toward Hunter's direction. He pulls me close to him, and I am literally pressed against his body. He's tall and strong, and he is protecting me like how a man protects his woman.

I do not notice that we have already stepped across the hall's safety until he removes his hold on me.

What are we doing inside the hall? Didn't he say we're going home now?

People's eyes briefly land on us as we approach a table near an ice sculpture of a fish sprouting water from its mouth.


"Oh, Hunter!" Victoria turns to face us with her usual bright smile, and it widens, even more, when she sees me beside his son. "Angel! It's so nice to see you here!" Victoria kisses me on the cheek as though she has not seen me for years. "I am very much pleased Hunter is taking you with him in special events like this."

I am suddenly reminded of the lies we have embedded into this wonderful woman's brain. I can't help but feel sorry for her.

If she only knows...

"Are you two leaving?" Victoria asks.

"Angel's not feeling well. I'm taking her home."

I do think I'm tired, but not feeling well? I don't think so.

"That's awful, dear. Have you met the Dawsons?"

I shake my head.

Who are the Dawsons, anyway?

"Well, maybe next time. You'll come with me to Cheryl's bridal shower, won't you?"

"Mother, we really have to go," Stone says, pulling me away from Victoria.

"Angel, dear, I'll call you soon, okay?"

As Hunter maneuvers the steering wheel, his phone keeps ringing.

"It's Will, isn't it?"

It's just him and me in his car. His security team was following us until we entered a familiar lane. Shouldn't they be guarding Hunter now that his life is in danger?

"Listen, Angel..." He says, his eyes directed on the road. "I'll drop you off at Ray's place, but I'll be back after I deal with this."

"Why? Can't I just go with you?"

His eyes furrow.

"If it will not take long, I think I can stay in the car, Hunter."

"Angel..." He sighs.

"You are not going to see Will, are you?"


A sudden relief frees me of the burden in my heart. It's more than good to hear Hunter say that. However, I don't think he's telling the truth.

He pulls the car just in front of Ray's door.

"You will be fine here," he says.

"I think so."

"Angel, I can't leave you alone in my place." He doesn't really have to explain. "I am more confident and relaxed when I know you're with someone I can trust."

"Hunter... just come back, okay?"

A gentle smile appears on his face.

"Angel, there's something I want to give you." He reaches for his small pocket and reveals a small black velvet box. When he opens the lid, a ring adorned with a huge, oval-shaped diamond with tiny crystals around it is revealed.

"I..." he pauses as he sees me bowling over, speechless.

Hunter Stone has given me a ring.

"Do you like it?" he stutters a bit.

I do not know what to say.

Do I like it? Heavens! It's magical. It's gorgeous and might be expensive, too.

Do I love it? Maybe.

Why would he spend something like this for me? What we have right now is nothing but business... a pretend game.

"Victoria..." I start, my voice at the edge of cracking.

"I thought you would say that." Hunter's mouth curves. He pins his head against the support of his chair, seemingly preventing himself from bursting into laughter.

"Victoria didn't choose this?"

"Mother wanted something else."

"It's beautiful, Hunter."

He takes the ring out of the box and slides it through one of my fingers.

"It's more beautiful now," he says, his voice so mellow and warm.

I am not really sure what's happening, but I think we're going beyond the contract. I could not remember giving a ring a part of it, but how could I question this when I know I have been breaching the contract ever since I find myself missing the man? Does Hunter even know we're not anymore abiding the rules he has set?

Perhaps, it is just me.

Hunter could just be being playing the part of a swooning husband-to-be although he's going a little overboard now.

I know deep within me, I am wrong, that I have taken the road I should have not... that I have fallen for the beast. Should I let him know?

"I'll see you later," he says.

I mount off the car and watch him leave.

It isn't the time to contemplate about my feelings for him. I fear it is too late to do something about it.

"Follow that car, please," I ask the cab driver as soon as I position myself comfortably at the back seat. The short train of my gown is not much of a distraction. I should have changed clothes, but I don't think I'll be able to keep up with Hunter if I do.

Luckily, Mr. Cab Driver passed by, or I wouldn't have thought of this.

Shouldn't Have Dealt - Book IITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang