"I'm just surprised this is the only time this seems to have happened, all you two did was mess up a potion, put two pieces of dna in it and yell out a spell, seems pretty simple, either there's more cases like these that we just don't know about, or you two messed up a potion so badly you created a unique method to produce offsprings that could help millions. On accident. " Blaise said.
"Yes yes, please continue to question the existence of my son, it's not like I do it every day." Draco mumbled.

"Have you tried looking into it?" Pansy asked. "Of course I have...but what good does it do me? What's the point of knowing how I made him? I still have to raise him with the Golden boy either way."

"Well I still think you should see how its possible, and if others are in the same situation to get feedback on how to deal with this, and who knows? Maybe you'll want another one." Pansy said with a smirk.

"I mean, the more kids, the more child support money he has to pay when you break up"  Blaise said.

"We're not even together! What's wrong with you guys!?" Draco yelled with his pale complexion turning slightly red. Pansy and Blaise laughed and soon Albus joined in, oblivious to his mother's pain.


Where did this go so wrong? Pansy thought,
20 minutes had passed and Draco was now trying to get a little Albus to say "Dada". "Come on Albus, dada." Draco pleaded, "Mama!" Albus replied "No! Not mama...." Draco sighed as he began to accept that he wasn't going to change the little brat's mind. "I dont see whats the issue, he's already refered to you as his guardian, despite it being mama, you didn't seem too bothered about it til now, what's the problem? Pansy asked as she sipped her tea. "This  Is the problem." Draco said as he tossed a page of the Daily Prophet at Pansy for her to read.

Blaise raise an eyebrow, Draco had gotten his copy of the Daily Prophet when he suddenly snatched Albus out of his hands and began trying to make him say "Dada" instead of "Mama" he refused to tell them what he saw in it, and if they where honest, Blaise and Pansy thought he lost his mind again. Pansy looked at the page and began to read.

"It appears that the hero of the wizarding world, Harry Potter, has gotten even more bold since the day he defeated the dark lord, witnesses say he's now gotten a child. Several of his classmates have come forward and have confirmed that our hero is now a father at 18 due to unknown circumstances, but what may also shock you, is that the mother of our hero's child is former Death Eater, Draco Malfoy. It seems the hero of the wizarding world did more than just forgive him, and led him into a different chamber of secrets. Some suspect that Draco Malfoy forced our hero into giving him a child to receive fame, others believe they where always together in secret, and that is why Harry Potter had spoken out for him at his trial, and some believe Draco Malfoy seduced our hero to go behind his former lover's, Ginny Weasley, back which is the true reason they broke up, but majority find it amusing that, as far as our witnesses say, that the child referred to the former death eater as "Mama". It seems that even when it comes to parenting, our hero Harry Potter will always be dominant. We hope to get more news about this soon and possibly an interview with Harry Potter about how he feels about this, and who gets to keep the kid. If a battle for the child were to happen, no doubt Harry Potter will have all our support."

Pansy finished reading and was left speechless. "Dray shouldn't you be worried about more pressing matters than this!? The press thinks you seduced Potter!" Blaise exclaimed, he was usually always composed when it came to these situations, so it caught Draco and Pansy off guard. "I can't change what the press thinks! They have the worst imagine of me right now! They outright said that if me and Potter were to ever go to court there's no way I'll get Albus! All I can do is spare myself some dignity and at least try not to be the laughing stock of the wizarding world by being called mama by the golden boy's infant!"

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