𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞 [Last Part]

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Younghoon brought you inside the building and put you at this one room where it's cold and dark.

"Stay here,I'll be back sweetheart"

Younghoon leave a torchlight with you and went out then lock the door from outside. You're freaked out and the only person that appeared on your mind is Hyunjae.

"Why can't I reach her?.." Said Hyunjae worriedly

Hyunjae sees your location still remaining the same in the same place with concern

"What's happened to her.."

He then sped off to your place

"No, I have to do something..Come on y/n think something.."

"Okay,here must have something useful"

Y/n flash the light around the room to look for something useful for her to escape. Then she saw a wooden stick at the corner of the room but suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps heading to the room where she was.

 Then she saw a wooden stick at the corner of the room but suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps heading to the room where she was

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She quickly take it and hide behind the door. The sound of the footsteps got closer and closer. Then the door opened.

[Younghoon sighed] "Y/n stop playing around I know you were here"

As soon as younghoon looked behind the door,y/n quickly hit him with the stick and caused younghoon to fall and groaned in pain.

Y/n take that chance to run out but Younghoon quickly grabs y/n's leg and causes y/n to fall. Y/n kicks Younghoon's hand and tries to run again. Y/n then going down but are stopped by 2 men who are Younghoon's servants. You slowly backed away from them.

"You're such a nuisance y/n" Whisper Younghoon behind y/n

Then everything goes black...

"Sir! Look at this" Said Hyunjae's men while pointing at Younghoon's car

"This car seems familiar.."

Hyunjae checked what was inside that car and saw the necklace that he gave to y/n

Y/n wake up and saw Younghoon sitting in front of her

"You wake up" Said Younghoon with a smile on his face

Y/n was tied

"Why are doing this Younghoon?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I don't want to lose you y/n,I really love you" Said Younghoon while caressed y/n's cheeks

[Y/n turned her face away]

"If you really love me,you wouldn't do this to me!"

"But you're the one who asked for it"


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