She was then shown finding the immunity idol.

Maddie: This is what's going to keep me in this game. I'm so proud of myself.

Jeff: At a stunning villa overlooking the ocean, James, Willow and their loved ones enjoyed some quality time together.

Will: I never thought you would have lasted out there.

James: Neither did I. I thought i'd end up quitting.

Miles: Well it looks like you've came a long way.

Willow: Trust me, I have.

Jeff: Back at camp, Amanda took the opportunity to help Neleh with the food situation.

Neleh: Hey can you get us a coconut real quick?

Amanda: Sure.

Amanda (confessional): After we got up, I've just been going around, helping with the shelter. I want to help Neleh in this game as best as I can.

Jeff: After Amanda said her goodbyes and James and Willow got back from the reward, Neleh started to plead her case to Willow.

Neleh: Ryan has back-stabbed every single person in this game. I wouldn't put it past James to take him over you.

Willow: He has been in the middle a lot.

Jeff: But had little success winning her over.

Willow (confessional): I'm not completely sold on the idea because I don't think final 5 is the move to make it.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, it was a showdown between Willow and Neleh.

Jeff: It is pretty even right now. Neleh and Willow, neck and neck.

Jeff: But ultimately, Willow won herself a spot in the final 4.

Jeff: Willow wins immunity!

Willow: Hell yeah!

Jeff: Back at camp, James saw the next vote to be simple.

James (confessional): I was thrilled that Willow won immunity. That leaves Maddie and Neleh both vulnerable. Now we just have to play our cards right and hope that the one we're voting for, doesn't have the idol.

Jeff: But Maddie came up with a risky deal to Willow, offering up her immunity idol as payment.

Maddie: I'm laying it out on the table. If you vote to keep me here, if I win immunity at final 4, I promise i'll give you the idol.

Willow: Thank you for talking to me.

Maddie: No problem.

Jeff: Which left Willow, completely conflicted.

Willow (confessional): That immunity idol would be so useful because I know those 2 are just going to vote James instead. So if I can get that idol, give it to James and if they do vote for me, I still have a better shot at fire making. If I could make that happen then that would be a great move for my resume.

Jeff: At tribal council, Ryan called Neleh out for her lack of trust.

Ryan: But Neleh, you destroyed that trust when we merged. You had no problem voting me out.

Neleh: Had I stuck with ya'll 3, I would have been number 4 and if any of you would like to deny that in front of each other then feel free.

Jeff: And he exposed his game in front of everyone.

Ryan: My actions in this game have caused bridges to be burnt. But part of that has been my gameplay, being reckless so people do take me to the end and some of the blood ends up on their hands instead of mine.

Survivor Panama: Exile Islandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें