Episode 8: Let the War Begin

Start from the beginning

Sabrina: If you keep me safe, I will be on your side come the merge. This is your opportunity to get the majority, and I wouldn't waste it.

Jeff: And despite Ryan's best efforts to not get exposed, Casaya accepted the deal.

Noah: We've thought about it, and we're going to send Sabrina.

Sabrina: Bye guys, have fun at tribal.

Jeff: With Sabrina safe, the target shifted back to Jordan.

James: I vote for Jordan, you 2 vote for Monty and hopefully Jordan votes for Monty.

Neleh: Yeah, so if Jordan plays an idol, Monty goes home.

Jeff: On Exile Island, Sabrina struck gold in the form of James's fake idol, which she thought was the real deal.

Sabrina: Hell yes, these people are so screwed.

Jeff: At tribal council, despite Jordan's best efforts, it wasn't enough as he became the 6th person voted out.

Jeff: Jordan, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 10 are left, who will be voted out tonight?



The 4 members of La Mina got back from tribal council. Monty was still trying to figure out what happened.

Monty: Well that was interesting.

James: Sure was.

Monty: So, who the hell voted for me? Because I know who Jordan voted for.

Neleh: Honestly, we didn't know what side you were going to be on.

Monty: Well it was obvious I was loyal to you guys.

Willow: Yeah, but we wasn't sure at the time.

Monty (confessional): So tonight, I received a couple of votes at tribal council. My guess was that the girls had some alter motive and tried to get me off because I was a physical threat. And had I not voted for Jordan, it would have been me gone so it's a good thing I didn't flip. But now, moving forward I know I can't trust these people. I'm the last of the older men so I need to be on my A game.

Monty: Well now I know I can't trust you so good job with that.

Neleh (confessional): Had Sabrina still have been here, she would have been voted out and we wouldn't have any drama. But this has pretty much exposed our cards moving forward and now both Sabrina and Monty could flip. This was our only move that made sense and it sucks these are the consequences.

Monty then went over and talked to James.

Monty: Did you know about this.

James: Honestly, I was still dead set on voting for Jordan so I had no idea. So, I get what you mean when you said that his plan didn't sound too bad.

Monty: Right, well thanks for being honest with me.

James (confessional): There were a couple of things I wanted to do after tribal council. One was to tell Monty that I was unaware of the plan. Because that lessens the chances of him flipping to Casaya.

James: No problem. I still think we should stick together. We can get out the girls later.

The 2 of them then went back to the shelter when Monty instantly fell asleep. James then wanted to talk to Willow. The 2 went over and sat down on the beach where they had their first conversation.

Willow: So, what's up?

James: Alright, so when I arrived at this beach, I wasn't sure if I could trust anyone. You have been the most honest so far and I feel like I can trust you.

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