Episode 0: Cast Profiles

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Daniel (Younger Men Tribe)

Name: Daniel Smith

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Occupation: Summer Camp Owner.

Personality/Backstory: I would consider myself as a strong, hard working individual. I always work my hardest to get what I want and am able to sense when something needs to get done. Being someone that grew up in a non tech family, I always was curious as to what was so amazing about nature and the wilderness and I got my first taste during a summer camp experience where I left one of the best people of the group. Now, I am a Summer Camp Owner that loves to teach kids that being outside is just as amazing as sitting in front of a computer screen for 5 hours a day, producing next to nothing. I always love a good challenge and being on this show will test my skills in terms of how well I'll be able to do with limited resources. This will be an exciting game, that's for sure.

Physical features (what they look like): Short blonde hair, blue eyes. Looks moderately strong. Wears a blue shirt and brown shorts as well as black trainers.

Strengths: I think I will be a great asset around camp and in challenges. I am able to start a fire with a flint and can find things relatively quickly. I can adapt to almost any situation and will make sure that my tribe will remain strong and drama free.

Weaknesses: Admittedly, my people skills aren't the best. I do have a hard time trusting people if something seems off with them like they could be scheming behind my back or something. My patience also wears thin where people aren't pulling their weight around camp and not doing much in terms of helping us win and stay strong.

How they'll perform in challenges (nothing too unbalanced): I am good in anything involving running, swimming, building and finding. I do struggle at anything that involves thinking like having to do puzzles or solving stuff. Never was the best in math class.

Luxury item: Swiss army knife.

Who they want to see in the family visit: My dad. He taught me how to explore bigger and better things in my life and has helped me a lot. It would mean so much to me if he got to see me do so well by myself.

Strategy: Prove that I am a valuable asset to the tribe. First impressions in a game like survivor can mean the difference in how far you'll be able to go. So when an opportunity rises, I'll make sure I am one of the first ones to take it. I also want to make sure I don't come across as too bossy because that could put an unnecessary target on my back way too early.

What role they are going to play this season (Hero, Comic relief, Villain ect): Adventurer

Herbie (Older Men Tribe)

Name: Herbie Anderson

Age: 70

Gender: Male

Occupation: Retired Guitarist

Personality/Backstory: I have had to put up with a lot of stuff in my life. I would admit to being stubborn at times and very anti-social. I do have a soft spot for the vulnerable though because I do have some respect for what they may have had to go through in their lives as I did in mine. When people get to know me, they'll see a different side of me and one that they'll grow to maybe like. I joined a band that had been going strong for a while now until like all bands, we just ended up going our own separate ways. People perceive me in a lot of different ways. Some see me as a hero, most others see me as a villain which I can't say I blame them. I'm just hoping that I can come on this show and have people realise that there is more to me than there may seem.

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