[5] Narancia's Aerosmith

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

Narancia had been gone for hours. I was currently laying on Mista's legs as I threw a ball against the wall. I was really bored. Mista was reading some magazine

"Hey, isn't the mineral water here yet? I'm parched. At this rate, I'll die of thirst" Trish said

"I'm kind of hungry" I said looking up Mista. He looked down at me

"They both have a point. It's about time for lunch. Personally, I'm okay, but these guys needs to eat" Mista said referring to the angry Sex Pistols

"Here, they can have these crackers" I said pulling them out of my pocket. Mista looked at me like I was a God

"For real?!" He asked with a wide grin on his face. He looked really cute like that. It warmed my cold and broken heart. Just kidding, my heart is fine, but it still warmed it up. Seeing Mista happy made me happy. I gave them to Mista and the Sex Pistols began to chant my name. He began to feed them crackers

"Y/n's the best" One said

"She really is" Two said

"Yeah, Mista should hurry up and make his move" Three said before punching Five. Five began crying as Mista's face began to tint pink

"I agree" Six said

"Me, too.." Seven said. Loverboy came out and began to converse with the them

"See, Loverboy agrees too" One said before looking up at Mista

"Just shut up and eat" Mista said completely embarrassed. I smiled at him

"Narancia's late, isn't he?" Giorno asked

"That's why I was so worried about sending him" Fugo said

"Enough already, Fugo. You've said it over and-" Abbacchio was cut off

"Of course I would! I was that- Sorry" Fugo said

"Narancia has been gone for a while" I muttered

"He'll come back. He always does" Mista said

"If you turned into a girl, what's the first thing you would do?" I asked Mista

"I'd see if boobs are as squishy as I'm told" Mista said

"You wanna find out right now?" I asked him. His jaw dropped as he choked on air

"That's not funny!" He yelled. I laughed at him

"You're right... it's hilarious!" I laughed. He shoved me off of him as I rolled on the ground dying of laughter

"S-Stop laughing!" He yelled embarrassed

"Shut the fuck up!" We heard Abbacchio yell

"Kiss my ass!" I yelled before laughing again


𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝕹𝖔 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖊|| Guido MistaWhere stories live. Discover now