16 - Quirk assessment test

Start from the beginning

I turned around and looked at him. my mischievous grin returned to my face when I got an idea
. "fine. I'll stay. On 1 condition."
Aizawa lifted one eyebrow at me and asked with suspicion "what?"

in a second I was right beside him and I whispered " you'll have to buy me lots of chocolate before we get home !"
Unlike me he almost shouted "Absolutely not!"

"Okay, then I'll just go. You won't expel me anyway. And even if you did, Nezu wouldn't let it happen "

The look on my teachers face was hilarious, it made me snicker. In the end he had no choice but to agree to it.

The class had only been silently watching so far. Not really understanding what was going on.
"Um.... Does that mean no one will be expelled?" Uraraka bravely stepped forward to ask.

" No, the one in last place will be stapled useless and like I said , expelled."

" expelled...? It's only the first day! I mean, even if it weren't.... That's totally unfair!"

That statement low-key touched a nerve. Unfair? Hah! I bet nobody here even gets the true concepts of unfairness .

Before Aizawa could make his point or explain, I butted in.

" life isn't fair. You all aught to know that. natural disasters, highway pileups, rampaging villains, poverty, murder, and so on. That's what's unfair."

Everyone looked at me, a little surprised. Some of the boys shared a look, a little guilty.

«Killua's right. Calamity is always right around the corner. The world is full of unfairness."

He paused for a second before continuing
" heroes are the ones who correct all that unfairness....." blah blah blahhhh

While he was having his little speech, I zoned out again. The test went by pretty quickly. I managed to control my strength enough to not totally crush everyone else. Nehehe,
I beat lida with 0.8 seconds at the 50 meters dash but other than that I aimed for 2 or 3 place on the other obstacles. Didn't wanna seem too OP.

At the second last it was the grip-strength test, damn this one's going to be a little more challenging
What's normal for this? Fuck it, I'll just clench it half strength....
Suddenly he heard a terrible crunching noise and without warning the grip strength -tester broke. Not just broke, it was destroyed.
"Uh...Oooops?" The numbers on the device flickered on the small screen. So I totally broke it... ahah! Damn these people are weak....

"Aizawa, I accidentally broke it." I waved at aizawa and he came over to look at it.
For a moment he just stood there looking at the broken device. He looked at killuas innocent face with wide eyes. "Nobody's ever broken that device besides Allmight....!"

Oops? Okay I'll admit, I probably overdid it... shit

Right then Midoriya and Uraraka came over to me, asking me what I got.
"Oh, I don't know. I broke it"
"You broke it!?" A guy with weird elbows yelled out, like it was unbelievable.

"Haaaahh!? I don't believe that! you damned extra!" Bakugo came over to confirm. And when he saw the broken device in my hands he almost lost it.

"Wow wow guys chill out. It was probably not working properly or something...." I tried to dodge this situation , but failed when aizawa stated with authority in his voice, that these devices had been properly installed and tested before this.

"That's so manly dude!!"


When the others went to the last activity , softball throw, I silently backed up and away from the class. Blending into the shadows, carefully so that nobody noticed.
This creep had been watching us for a while and it was getting annoying. I know exactly who this creep is, so I decided to sneak up on him.

Allmight was standing behind the school wall, watching the students.
He obviously didn't notice me, even when I went to stand right beside him. Without warning I smacked him in the ribs , hard. (Not hard enough to send him flying) he jumped forward in surprise, and a loud screech escaped his mouth.
The others also stopped what they were doing and looked over to where the sound came from.

The scene was rather comical. With bakugo screaming and fighting Aizawas scarf, Allmight almost scared to death, and the utterly confused faces of my classmates.
And now me, rolling on the ground laughing like a maniac.

A/N :

As you probably noticed, I changed my writing style a little. I keep on catching myself writing in first person perspective (unconsciously) 🥲 so I though I'd try writing a whole chapter like that and see how it went. Please feel free to comment on what you think☺️ should I keep writing like this, or continue like in the other chapters ?

Word count : 1433

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