4 - The human lie detector

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Killua silently followed Eraserhead trough the dark city. They had been walking for about 30 minutes and killua started to grow a bit impatient

"Awwwwrg, how much longer??.."
Eraser didn't answer to his complaint. Hes litterally been complaining for the past 10 minutes non stop, and it was driving the other nuts.

"Sight* we'll be there in 5 minutes so stop complaining and shut up" the hobo finally answered.
They made their way trough the last alley and killua could finally see some light. He could also hear the buzzing sounds of people walking and chattering.

He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the bright street lights and store lights. He looked aourond observing his surroundings. And what he saw sent a shiver down his spine. His heart started racing and his eyes widened in fear.

N-no! The chimera ants... this isn't possible! We took care of them!

The people around him reminded him awfully a lot about those human eating creatures. The thought of this many chimera ants were nothing but terrifying. In a blink of an eye he had retreated to the shadows. Clinging to a corner between a tall building high up in between the walls. He clung there for dear life while Images of gon killing pito, and then him in the hispitalbed almost dead, flashed through his mind. His breath hitched in his throat with the thougth, and he could feel tears threatening to spill in the corner of his eyes. Killua pushed the tears down and told himself that Gon was fine. Alluka saved him.
But Wait... this doesn't make sense. Somethings not right

He forced himself to calm down and looked out at the street. (His mind had totally forgotten about the pro hero watching him.)
There were normal looking people among them too. And no-one was attacking them or eating them. Wait...
It hit him like a bolt of lightning. Oh boy was he far from home... if his theory was correct... It would explain why he didnt know what these heroes and villans where, and why he found everything so unfamiliar and strange. Heck he couldn't even read the letters here. The names of stores and signs.
He confirmed it with his en. No aura. No nen users or nen noodes at all. No-one here would be able to use nen even if they tried. Which meant that he most likely had gotten his own ass kicked to another universe. Oh shit.

Aizawas pov~

Aizawa halted and looked back when he noticed that killua had stopped dead in his tracks. The kids expression caught him by surprise. He looked scared, almost terrified. Killua then started to mumble something about chimera ants, and not possible. something along those lines. By now killua was almost shaking, his eyes wide.

The pro looked around in alarm.
What on earth could've scared a kid his age that much? And especially killua. He wasn't even slightly concerned when attacked by a villan. He detected nothing. So he turned around to ask killua himself.

"Hey, killua? Whats-" but he was gone.
"KILLUA!?" no response.
Aizawa was about to jump atop of a building, and search for him from there, when he heard the cracking sound of concrete and a loud thud from the building beside the alley they came from. And killua emerged from the shadows. His earlier expression was gone from his face and left no trace of his previous fear.

"Yo, sorry Eraser. Thought I saw something there for a second. Not important." He waved his hand dismissive and walked past the pro. But he just stared after him for a few seconds.
Killua turned around and said with a hint of annoyance
"Weren't we headed for the station? Hurry up"

He followed him without any words. His mind racing. What the actual heck was that all about? I need to get tsukauchi to ask him about this chimera ant thing. Just to be safe

Back to killua~

Shit shit shiiiit. He knew he looked as calm as ever but in reality, he was freaking out!
What now!? If he was in a totally different universe, how would he get back?? And Alluka!?? What the fuck would happen if he weren't there to protect her? Illumi would eventually figure out that he was missing, so he would probably go after her. Knowing he couldn't protect her.
And Gon?? Would he be okay? Is he worrying? Will I ever be able to see them again??

He could feel himself slipping into anxiety. No, no. It's gonna be okay, I'll find a way back! I promise!

'Don't loose your face, the hero will notice' he told himself.

Without killua knowing, the said hobo had already noticed killuas anxiety. Even if it only was visible for a few seconds.
He took a deep breath as to calm himself. Having his new goal in mind he turned to Erazer. Killua gave him a small smile as they walked into the police station.






The white haired kid answered bluntly. He was in an interrogation room together with Eraserhead and a detective called Tsukauchi.

"Full name please"

" I would rather not say. Im not particularly fond of my last name"

The detective typed something down on his computer and contiued to ask
"Why is that?"

When the teen didn't answer he tried another question

"Where is your family right now?"

Killua snorted and answered with all the honesty in his heart

" Hopefully 6 feet under"

He heard someone chocke from further inside the room and his eyes landed on that tall creepy smiley muscle freak. Allmight was it?
He had no idea why he had to be there in the first place, but allmight had insisted. Since he was the no.1 hero or some shit like that. Like he gave a rats ass.

"Where are you from?"

"Kukuro mountain "

After some more questions~~

"So killua, How old did you say you were?"
Is he dumb? I already answered that question. Or does he know I lied? No, not possible.
Okay, it could be a possibility but he doubted it. He was only like 13. But they didn't need to know that. It was better if he said he was 15.

"15" Without batting an eye he answered the same.

"One more question before I move on. Why did you lie?"

Killua looked him dead in the eyes. A few seconds passen and he still didn't answer

I'm so fucked

Word count: 1092

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