" Yeah...that motherfucka is crazy." Sandra says. " I just don't know with him...I wanna say something to B, but I don't wanna start any bullshit."

" Just keep an eye girl...that's what I'm gonna do." Tionne suggests, and Sandra agrees.

The bus soon arrived at the hotel, and everyone got off. Some people went off to do some more site seeing and what not, and others stayed around at the hotel. Devante wanted to stay up and look around, as he had gotten most of his sleep on the bus. However, Brandy wanted to go up to their room to get herself some sleep for the upcoming night.

Devante walked his woman up to their room, and spent a few minutes up there with her to hear her speak with her parents to check on the kids.

"...De, you sure you don't wanna stay and get some rest? The night is gonna be long."

" Nah baby, I'm tryna get out and check shit out. I'm tryna get a feel of the place, you know?"

" I understand." Brandy replies, the tone in her voice declining. Devante hovered over the woman has she laid back, covering her faces with kisses.

" Hm, slow down baby." Devante voiced, feeling the woman guide his hands between her thighs. "...let's save all that till tonight, ight?"

" What if I can't wait De?"

" That's too bad, cause we rollin' on daddy's orders."

Brandy smirked, taking in another passionate kiss with the man. He motioned goodbye as he left out of the hotel room, and made his way down to the lobby of hotel. Coming down from the 7th floor, the elevator had stopped from time to time. It stopped on the 5th floor, and in came somebody that Devante had least expected.


The trip down to the main floor was quiet for the time being, and the trip down had lasted longer than what they both expected. Eventually, Devante found in him to say something, and so did Beyoncé.

" Let me speak first..." the woman said, " Things are like... they're weird with us. And I'm not sure why."

" Why makes you think that?"

" It just that...now that your girl is around, you're acting all different. Like, you don't even acknowledge me like you do with Kelly or Michelle."

" I'm keeping it professional Bey. Nothing more, nothing less."

" Professional? Yeah, okay." the woman said, snickering to herself. " Let me ask you a question— do you think I want you or something?"

" I mean...yeah.That's what it feels like."

" Well, let me make this known to you, again; I don't want anything other than a solid business relationship with you, just like you do with Kelly, Michelle, and every damn body else! I don't know what makes you think otherwise, but it ain't that way...stop I wish you would stop acting like I want something more!"

"...I mean, am I crossing your mind that much? A damn near married man with two kids? Why the fuck would I want that for myself?"

" Ight, ight...chill out." Devante expressed, " I get it."

" Oh, you do?" the woman asked, her eyebrows raised up and neck positioned back. She was astonished to hear the man say such a thing.

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