Golden freddy x anxious clumsy shy reader

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A/n so I had an idea for this request and incorporated a little poem I wrote that I thought would be perfect for this chapter! Thanks to @kiroinxlive for this request! Enjoy!

Title; the truth about these things.....
Type: fluff/angst

Your POV
The monster growled, the chains digging deeper into her stony skin

I felt like I was suffocating, everything made my heart jump tonight. I was friends with every animatronic, well, after I found out they weren't trying to kill me, but i still had a hard time opening up to all of them.

Dragging her down deeper, under the water, suffocating, as they started whispering truths and lies from deep within

I never wanted to get close to them because they would never want to truly be friends with me. I was always nervous, and not to mention my clumsiness! I was always tripping.

She tried to scream, but not a single sound came out,

I wanted to tell them, especially Goldy, about my worries, but I was too scared.....Goldy always looked upset when I never really told him much other than hello...

For her lips were tapped shut, keeping her endlessly prisoner to her worries and her doubts

I really liked Goldy. He was sweet and kind. But he would never like me, and that's a fact. I mean, who could?

Deeper the chains dragged her down more

I've always been shy, but lately I have found it harder to speak up. I feel silenced.

And she trembled, fearing the fate destiny had in store

It scared me.

But she thought, "nothing matters anyway
I'm weak, a freak, I only get in the way."

I stopped caring. Why should I?

As she sunk deeper and deeper still,

They have noticed my silence. And foxy tried to talk to me but I ignored him, I felt a little bad...

She realized she never spoke up, never told her love how she truly feels

I realized I was in love with Goldy. But I was always too scared to tell him...

As time passed the anxiety and depression got worse

The attacks have become more frequent. I'm always nervous......

For she couldn't seem to find a light in this once starry universe

Goldy was my light, but he deserves better.....they all do

She smiled under the tape, and thought, "I may never had been able to do anything right
But I had always hoped that perhaps someplace In the stars there would be real light"

Ever since I was a little girl I had always looked on the bright side of things.....but I suppose it's always those people who get the anxiety the worse...

How far did this pool go?
It was the only answer she truly wanted to know.

How much longer did I have to suffer?

As if in cue the chains pulled harder
Making sure the monster suffered

I felt the attack coming, I was alone in the office, the doors shut so no one would see me

The words got more violent
But she tried not to break thinking of herself as a diamond,

I heard them banging on the doors, my breathing got worse. I couldn't stop, so I shut my eyes

As she neared the bottom of the ocean,
She allowed her eyes one moment to open

I opened my eyes, Bonnie and chica were on either side of my doors, looking through the windows, foxy banging on the door

And she saw a light shine from above,
Through the only black water she could see the moon the stars, and a flock of happy doves

They cared?

When she reached the bottom, she rises up again, her stony bits crumpling off,
And underneath those bits, her heart was truly soft

Arms wrapped around my waist, "please don't do this, everything will be okay." Goldy's voice whispered in my ears

She found that underneath her skin,
She was not a monster, but a fallen Angel who needed to learn to fly again.

"You matter." Goldy kissed me, and I relaxed.
Perhaps life wasn't so hard after all....

HUMAN FNAF X FEMALE READER ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now