I watch as Asuma takes out a pack of cigarettes and taps one out of the box.

I arch a blonde brow at him. Doesn't he know that stuff could kill him?

"Besides, Itachi knows Naruto's face, already," Asuma adds thoughtfully.

Movement in the crystal orb catches my attention. I blink my eyes and they widen at the sight of Sasuke entering the house.

What's he doing here?!

I put my fingers to my lips and shush the two Jounins. They get the hint and fall silent.

It was then that Sasuke opens the door and calls, "Kakashi." He pauses and gazes around, looking confused by Asuma and Kurenai being here. He then gasps upon seeing our Sensei unconscious in bed. "Why is Kakashi asleep? Why is this room full of Jounin? And what are you doing here, Kimiko?" Sasuke steps forwards as he continues to pelt out questions, glaring. "What are you doing?! What the hell is going on here?!"

"Uh... nothing's going on here, Sasuke," I tell him innocently.

There's the sound of running footsteps and a male Jounin pops his head, exclaiming, "Hey!! Is it true that Itachi has returned?!" I scowl furiously at him. "And that he's come here to get Naruto?!" I face palm, heaving a sigh of exaggeration.

What an idiot!!

When Sasuke turns to the Jounin, he seems to realise who he is and what he'd just said. I mutter with both my eyes twitching violently, "You, Sir, are an idiot!!"

Sasuke seems to freeze as his black eyes slowly widen. With a shadow over them, he shoves past the Jounin and races out the apartment.

I snap harshly at the man, "Now look what you've done, Idiot!" I have half a mind to hit him on the head, but I'll have to forget that for now.

I dispel my Crystal Telescope and go to follow but Kurenai grabs my arm, halting me. "Kimiko, no! It's too dangerous! Besides, you've used up a lot of chakra."

I whip her a glare as I say, "Look what they did to my Sensei! And I can't let Sasuke go alone!"

"You're still just a kid. We need to send some Jounin or ANBU. You have to stay here!" Kurenai argues.

I jerk my arm free of her grasp as I snap back, "I'm going after them, and you can't stop me!!"

With that, I whirl around and walk really fast out after the Uchiha. As I do, I bite my thumb and summon Fang, a tall and beautiful black wolf with icy blue eyes and bandages wrapped around her forelegs, not that she's injured. They're just decorative. She also specialises in Medical Ninjutsu.

Sasuke was already well ahead, out of the village by the time I catch up to him, tracking his scent

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Sasuke was already well ahead, out of the village by the time I catch up to him, tracking his scent.

"Sasuke! Sasuke, wait!" I call. He doesn't listen. "Just stop, you asshole!!"

Book 1: Broken (Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя