"Go into the elevator Mr Parker, FRIDAY will take you to where you're needed," the receptionist, Mrs Pebble spoke, sending him a small, welcoming smile.

Peter quietly thanked her and clutched the badge he had been given tightly in his shaking hands. His whole body was vibrating with fear, and if someone were to ask him to hold a glass of water he thinks he ma drop the whole glass, not just the water.

It had taken a lot of his courage to even step into the building. Constantly jumping back and forth when someone would brush too close to him or someone remotely raised their voices. Peter hated to admit it, he hated thinking so much about his weaknesses. And yet he knew, with every passing day he was getting worse and worse. He could no longer walk the halls of school without being on edge and ready for an attack from any side.

Being here was very out of his comfort zone, the fear that at any moment, someone might shout at him, saying how he was Spider-Man, and before he knew it, his whole identity would be revealed. Or maybe someone might get angry with him and hit him, it wouldn't shock him if it did happen, Peter seemed to always do things wrong, and it rightfully so allowed him to be hit for it.

Peter feared Tony will be like this, his fears had grown more and more through the day and by the time he had got here, he knew he would have to be extra careful, he wouldn't be disrespectful or step out of line, not once.

Carefully, he made his way into the elevator, he knew who FRIDAY was, after all he had read all about the AI that ran the whole tower, but suprisingly, he never thought he would be able to speak to her while here.

He was grateful when the doors slid shut, the sound from out there was loud, and Peter worried his senses might become overloaded if he stayed out there too long. Peter was so stuck in thought, he jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice.

'Hello Mr Parker. I am FRIDAY, I will be taking you to Mr Starks private lab to meet you there,' FRIDAY exclaimed, though an AI, she seemed animated and more than happy to be talking to Peter.

Shocked, all Peter could muster was a small, hello back and a quick thank you.

He had really just spoken to FRIDAY, and she had spoken to him as well. Not only that but he was going to Mr Starks private lab. PRIVATE. Surely that must've been a mistake, he stayed silent though, not wanting to bother the AI.

Instead, as the elevator continued to move upward, he glanced down at the card. It was black and gold with the number 10 printed on the corner, his name was also placed in the centre and Peter was shocked by how cool it looked.

Before he could examine the card any longer the elevator stopped moving and the doors slowly slid open. For a moment, Peter was in shock, unable to move. In front of him lays a lab, but not any kind of lab. The Tony Starks lab. Iron-Man suits lay all over the place, most of them placed in cases around the wall. A few cars were around as well, engines out and half deconstructed, Peter could just see a glass door that lead to a lot more cars (that weren't taken apart). He could see a lot more projects all over, but he couldn't tell what it was.

'Goodbye Peter, it was lovely to meet you,' FRIDAY spoke, snapping Peter from his mind.

Numbly, Peter nodded and whispered a small, 'thank you, you too,' before making his way into the lab. He couldn't help but feel very anxious and scared, what if he wasn't even meant to be here. Oh my God, what if it gets him hurt, or- or killed.

Footsteps approached where Peter was, although he stood frozen in front of the elevator, scared that if he were to make a step closer he might get shouted at. He really wasn't sure how he was meant to cope with all this, all he wanted to do right now is go to the hideout and curl up on the sofa.

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