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"Unnie let me help!" Jaehee said as she ran up to Soojin who was failing to carry the giant 4 boxes out of the Presidents Office.

"Ahh thanks Jelly..." Soojin handed Jaehee 2 of the boxes she was carrying before turning to her again to ask about her day as they walked.

"My day? Umm it was good I guess... I'm happy that I met Jihan! She is really nice and fun to be around, she even stayed with me when we had our department based classes even though she is in the musical side and I'm in drama."

"That's good because its easy to make the wrong friends especially when you are new so just be careful about that Jelly."

"Don't worry I won't let people manipulate me! And besides Jihan I'm only really friends with Jiyoon unnie. Yah by the way unnie, I think she really has a big crush on you!"

"Who Jiyoon?? I think you're just imagining yourself we hardly know each other... She always greets me but we don't ever really have a conversation. Plus its not like I have the time for that sort of stuff anyway."

"Well you really should make some time," Jaehee huffed, "You can't keep hiding in those books of yours you need to live a little unnie! In fact I think I'm gonna to invite Jiyoon unnie and Jihan over instead of going to the library to work on our project maybe with them there you can finally experience what its like to have a frie- AAAHH UNNIE WHY DID YOU FLICK ME!!!!"

"Jelly stop rambling and I have enough friends thank you very much! Look it be faster if we split up then we can go home, so all I need you to do is drop this box of at the archery centre and then the other box at the aquatic centre and then I'll met you there... all you have to do is continue straight and then the signs will direct you further."

The aquatic centre!!!! That means I might see her!!!

Jaehee could feel her excitement bubbling up. The possibility of seeing her again made her feel happy but at the same time nervous. Jaehee couldn't even explain why she was feeling this way of someone she has never even spoken too. Is this what having a crush feels like??

Jaehee found her way to the archery centre dropped the boxes and then followed the directions given by the coach to the aquatic centre. Huh?? Why is it so busy here????




Jaehee couldn't stop her eyes from rolling back into her sockets. Zoas fan girls really knew how to annoy her! And the worse part is that she couldn't even see past them. She just walked along the pool to the office area. She was walking fine until-


One of Zoas fangirls stepped back and accidentally bumped into Jaehee causing her to loose her balance and fall into the pool...

"HELP I CAN'T SWIM!!!!!!!!"

Jaehee was panicking!! She couldn't swim and the pool was too deep for her to stand in. She tried to bat and move her arms around so that she won't sink further, but we wasn't successful... the water started flooding over her head and all she could hear were distant screams and a faint buzz in her ear. Her eyes started to close and she couldn't hold her breath any longer... she was fading... losing her consciousness...

Just as she was about to let her last breath out a pair of arms engulfed her and pulled her back up to the surface.

She started coughing uncontrollably as the water that she took in was trying to eliminate itself from her system.

"Are you okay???"

The person who just saved her life asked... She obviously didn't recognize the voice so she tried to look at the person. Her vision was still clearing up but the moment she locked eyes with the person she knew exactly who it was...


Authors note:

So I'm back from the dead 🙃

I've actually been wanting to get to these stories again but writers block is so real 😭 and between this and my first book I decided on updating this first because the comments really motivated me 😅 I really like the comments and besides motivating me it also kind off gives me more ideas because I know how the reader feels about it!!! But don't worry I will be updating more often now that I worked my schedule (for all my books!) So look forward to that and I really hope you enjoyed this because this is still the work of an amateur writer so proceed with caution 😂 

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