°∆•Playing Hero•∆°

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I search an old basket of clothes for something appropriate to wear for my mission. I know the clothes are clean because I was the last person to wash them and they haven't been touched since...that day. After a few minutes of digging around I come across a tan 'v' neck shirt and navy blue pants.
"Perfect, this will do just fine." It's what my father would've been wearing at this very moment if he were alive. Then again if he was alive, I wouldn't have a reason to take his clothes. I put on the garments, they are loose and baggy on me of course. These are men's clothing after all. I tie a belt around my waist to hold up the pants. Then I check myself in the mirror to make sure two things in particular weren't to noticeable. I had wrapped cloth around my chest to make it flat, it worked pretty well but now it feels as if I can hardly breathe.
A scarf is tied around my head, leaving some hair to peek out from the front and back. It makes me look boyish and shaggy, which is what I'm going for. And finally I place another scarf over my face, only allowing my eyes to show. Taking another look in the mirror, I can't even tell who the person is looking back at me.
"This is where fate has brought me." Sighing, I turn away from the boy in the reflection to grab my katana and place it in between my hip and the belt that keeps my pants from falling to my ankles. My purpose of dressing this way is so that scum bag Jin won't know what hit him when I drive my sword through his heart and when he takes in his final breath, then I'll show him my face and make sure it's the last thing he sees.

"Well... Time to begin my journey."

°∆•Time skip: The market place •∆°

I guess here is a better place to start as any. But if I just stand here searching for him I may draw attention to myself and that's the last thing I want. Guess I should try to relax and take a seat as I'm looking around.

"Hello there young man." The unfamiliar voice startles me. I can't break character so I brush it off.

"Uh...yes?" Wow (Name) nice going, SOUND LIKE A MAN!

"I-I mean yeah what's up?" *mental face palm* Maybe this disguise was a bad idea after all...

"Well you looked like a nice boy, and I was wondering if you could help me. You see my poor cat was frightened and ended up stuck in a tree." Oh come on old woman I don't have time for this. *Sigh*

"Alright where's the tree?" Well at least there's a chance she'll repay me with cash. I really should've been saving up during my training but too many things were on my mind at the time. The old woman leads me to the tree and I get the cat down without any problems. But all I got in return was a smile and a 'thank you' which was a bit of a disappointment. At least now I can get back to my mission.

"Excuse me sir, Can you help me? Those jerks over there took my pinwheel and they won't give it back." Are you kidding me?! Does being a guy mean that everyone needs you to solve their problems because if that's the case then to hell with this, I'm on an important mission here!

"Sorry kid but I don't have time to help y-" Ah man, he just had to give me the puppy dog eyes. Guess I can't refuse a child.

"Fine, where are they...?"

All I did was walk up to the twerp and take it from him. Why the hell couldn't the kid do that?! It's not like he could've put up a fight, he was like three feet tall!

"Thank you mister!" The kid's smile sorta makes me feel better about helping him. It's not like I'm a bad person, I just want to get my revenge as soon as possible. I can't do that if I end up helping every person I bump into.

Four Eyed Samurai (Samurai Champloo~ Jin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now