He trailed her. "I didn't mean it like -"

"The pancakes, Spencer."

He groaned and turned on his heel before he got blamed for burning breakfast.


Later that afternoon, Spencer sat supervising the twins while they played outside.

"Look daddy!!" Gianna screamed from the miniature Range Rover as she drove her and her brother in circles around the driveway. Both of them sported customized shades to protect their eyes from the glaring L.A. sun.

"I see you, baby girl," he nodded. "Why don't you let Caleb drive a bit." Another concept he was trying to teach his kids was sharing.

"No!" she yelled back. Her twin looked over at her, unbothered.

"He has his own if he really wanted. He likes riding with her," Olivia approached, settling down into the spot next to Spencer.

"How are they going to learn how to share if they all have their own everything."

"Fine," Olivia reasoned. "We'll work on sharing."

"Do you think that they need all this branded stuff," he wondered out loud. "What if it's giving them the wrong impression of what's important in life."

"You're wearing Balenciaga sweatpants," her eyes lowered to his waist.

"These were free," he justified. "Plus, they're extra soft and I like the way they cuff at the ankles."

"Okay," she drew out the word, turning her attention back to the twins.

"I'm just worried that they're going to grow up to become entitled adults."

"I grew up rich, and I turned out just fine."

He turned to her, cocking his head.

She squinted her eyes back.

"What are you trying to say," her voice was suddenly tense.

"I didn't say anything," he chuckled.

"Oh, you said plenty," she pushed herself up and turned towards the house.

"I was playing," he tried to reach back to grab her leg, but she dodged his grasp. "Liv," he called after his wife. "I was joking! Liv!"

"Mommy!!" The twins followed their father's lead. "Mommy!!!" Gianna swerved the Range, driving it toward the door while her brother clutched onto the side door. The pair came short when the car hit the front step. Determined, she pressed her tiny foot down on the accelerator, but the motor struggled under her insistence. The front wheels kept spinning against the edge of the concrete until they finally sputtered to a stop.

"Okay, mama," Spencer ran up to the vehicle, shaking his head. "It's not going to go anywhere like that."

Gianna tried slamming her foot on the reverse peddle, but there was no response.

"No work," she looked over at her brother before her doe eyes landed on her dad.

"Mine," Caleb opened the passenger door, stepping out and making sure to close it behind him before running to the garage.

"'scuse me, daddy," Gianna slammed her door into Spencer's leg, finding a way to wiggle through the crack when it wouldn't open all the way.

"Wait, let's try to fix this," Spencer urged, but she had already run off after her brother.

Moments later, Olivia came back out with Sienna in tow.

"Where are you going?" Spencer followed them towards the four cars parked on the far side of the driveway.

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