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Triggered warning;! implied suicidal thoughts/threats.


A couple of knocks could be heard in the nursery room. Julieta, the healer of the family, twists the doorknob and swung the door agape. "Corazon?" She called out to her youngest daughter. Mirabel hummed in response, in a questioning tone. "There's someone that would like to see you,"


"You'll see," Julieta grinned as she ushered her daughter closer. She held out her hand for the kid to grab onto. "I don't know where is he now but we can find him," Mirabel only nodded and followed to wherever her mother dragged her to.

Meanwhile, with [Name], he was walking towards the two. Since she saw them from afar. "God, I need to dri-" Coincidentally, Julieta bumped into the said male. "Oh, [Name]! Didn't see you there,"

"Tio [Name]!?" Mirabel audibly gasped as she ran towards him, hugging him tightly by the leg. "Ay! Mirabel! My little Mariposa!" the older man exclaimed happily as he picked up Mirabel. Hugging her and squeezing her tight. "Oh, how I've missed you, Mirabel! How are you? Are you feeling better?" She giggled and hummed amusingly in response, nodding along. "Yeah! Mama has been treating me well so I feel much better!"

"That's good to hear, Mirabel," he said as he look at Julieta with such gratitude and an apologetic look. Julieta only gave him a sympathetic smile, making the male feel reassured. "Oh, Julieta. I've planned a day out for Mirabel Today. Would you..?"

"Of course. Go ahead, [Name]. She needs you,"

"What about Mama-"

"Don't worry about it. I'll cover up for you," [Name] smiled at her being thankful. "Thanks, sis. I'll be back with her when the times right," He said as he patted her head and went off to whatever he had planned for today. "Don't come back too late!" [Name] gave her a thumbs up before disappearing from her sight.

"Hmm, tio [Name]? What are we gonna do today?" Mirabel asked, playing with her tio's [hair texture] [h/c] hair. She was sitting on the back of [Name]'s neck, legs hanging down the shoulders. "Well, not that much. But the plan for today is to go to my house, change and I'll lead you to a secret place that your tio Bruno and I had found and we'll just spend some time there,"

"Secret place?!" [Name] hummed amusingly. "Yep! Secret place. It used to be open to the kids back then ut now they don't remember it," Mirabel pouted. "Awh, I wonder why?"

"Well, things happen, y'know. It was... eventful," he lowly said as he stepped in front of his humble old home. They both got in. [Name] letting Mirabel sit in the living room upstairs while he changed into a fresh piece of clothing. After he was done, both of them went back out. Making their way to Paradise.

They walked through the lone forest. The disgusting sound of crunching by the dried leaves under the footsteps was the only sound that could be heard. Other than the wild birds chirping and cawing from a far distance. The walk was peaceful. Just great silence. That's what [Name] love the most. Where no one can insult the poor man. No loud obnoxious voices saying; "You don't deserve to live! You should go and--"

Yeah, as if he hadn't thought of that already. Just peace. The sounds of nature. Calmness. It just sends chills down [Name]'s back thinking about it.

It was quite a long walk to their destination. Mirabel almost fell asleep on [Name]'s shoulder on the way. Until the [h/c]-nette announced their arrival. "Alright, Mariposa. We're here," They stood upon what looked like an entrance. Two trees being disguised as a door. Its branches grew together, connecting above the entrance hole. [Name] put the female back down on the ground. "Go ahead, Mirabel. Go through," He ushered. Mirabel giggled excitedly and ran towards it. She went through it and was immediately flabbergasted. It was beautiful. The same old river, beautiful as always. Always catches one's eyes. From that moment onwards, Mirabel began bombarding the older man with questions and compliments about the river. He laughed and entertained her. Slowly starting the little games [Name] had planned.

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