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The brothers had an awkward silence

Umm dude ! U don't have to be that angry (Br)

U don't understand!! And when will your pervert nature get out! ?!? (Rr)

Hey I was just trying to be friends!! (Br)

Yes , bed friends!?! (Rr)

Omg noo no oh  hell no u got the wrong idea!! (Br)

No! I got the right Idea!! U are - (Rr)

Rr was about to finish but Br hugged him and said

Sorry !! I promise I will not do it again!! Please !!(Br)

Rr knew Br didn't liked to say sorry and didn't liked hugs but still he did it for his brother (Rr)

Ok fine (Rr)

Really!?! Yesssss (Br)

Thanks!!!!!!! (Br)

Suddenly their mother appears and says

Ok it is time to go home (mom)

Ok (both the brother)

Hence this was their teen life
Sometimes their mother took them to the city
Sometimes both the brothers would argue over Little things
So basically it's was the time of war and love!?┌(・。・)┘♪ And ofc black riding hood music!

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