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"Who gave him the right to be so beautiful?" Childe sighed, staring at the framed photo in his hand.

"Who gave you the right to be so creepy?" Scaramouche cringed.

"Why don't you shut up and get some sleep or something?" Childe waved his hand dismissively, still staring at the photo.

"Where did you even get that picture?" Scaramouche rubbed his temple and frowned. The heavy bags under his eyes had only gotten worse in the past few weeks. He'd gotten multiple part-time jobs on top of trying to go to classes. His grades were steadily declining now that his mother was being a bitch. "Do you think I could be a stripper?" he blurted out.

"What?" Childe finally looked up from the photo of Dr. Morax.

"Oh, so now you want to look at me?"

"Why don't you just become a streamer or something?" Childe shrugged. "That's gotta be good enough, yeah? You play Jenshin Collison don't you?"

"I have a Spasm account but I only use it to watch other streams. You know, there is this one streamer who plays Jenshin and his husband always walks in on his streams. It's super cute. I'm so glad they're married. But it's also horrible to watch when you-" Scaramouche's eyes widened. "I'm not actually single any more..." he blushed. "Do you think people would watch my boyfriends and I playing Jenshin together?"

"It's better than being a stripper, I assume," Childe shrugged.

"Oh," Scaramouche stared at his phone. "Did you know Dr. Morax had a Spasm account?" He turned his phone so Childe could see it.

"Whatthefuck?" Childe grabbed Scaramouche's phone. "Why is his name GeoDaddy?"

"How have you not found his account before? Aren't you his #1 stalker?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes. "It says in his bio that his daughter made the account and since he is a geology professor-"

Childe blinked. "He has a daughter?"

"You don't know that either? You suck at being obsessed with him." Scaramouche shook his head. "She is only the richest woman alive. She founded the company Jade Chamber."

"Dr. Morax doesn't look old enough to have a daughter..."

"I'm honored you think I look young," Dr. Morax, GeoDaddy himself, graced Childe with his voice. He turned to look behind him only for the sun to radiate down on Zhongli's head, giving him a halo of sorts.

"Dr. Morax!" Childe immediately turned the frame upside down and hoped desperately he didn't see that he had one to begin with. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm walking to my office," he pointed at the building right next to them. "I'm Ningguang's step-father."

"You're married?"

"Were you not paying attention on the first day of class?" Dr. Morax covered his mouth with his hand and chuckled. "I was indeed married. However, my wife died in a car accident. We weren't able to enjoy our marriage for long..." Zhongli stared off into the distance for a moment, holding his chin. "I shall leave you two alone now." He turned and walked away.

"I had no idea his life was so sad," Childe wanted to cry.

"God, I want to slap the shit out of you," Scaramouche snapped. "This is why I can't enjoy the character Zhilde. He has your fucking personality but the looks of Dr. Morax. It's infuriating." 

How do I tell my professor I love him? [ZhongChi]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ