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The whole world finally communicated and noticed the crisis after only a month but of course news had gotten out after a week. Scientists studying the death to birth ratios noticed the change in only a day. The death was raising above the birth ratio in the thousands, either a deadly disease had infected all humans 60 and up or everyone stopped giving birth. 

Once the public found out that every birth in the world was becoming a still born, and no one had gotten pregnant panic flew over everyone. People were crying for the children, crying because the world had forcefully stopped the enlargement of the human race, and because there was only one generation left to live. People believing in recreation were in an up roar, many people protested believing it was a false government campaign. Others were thrown into depression and the percent of suicides raised ten percent. Besides depression the crime rates went up and the religion popularity raised as well.

In Russia the wars continued, but once the soldiers were running short they refused to draft people into war and let the fighting die out. In Eastern Asia countries the deaths were still the same as always. In the poverty stricken countries the deaths were lowering because of help from the United States and United Nations. With the war slowly stopping and other countries coming together and uniting to help the Human race. 

Old cultured people who still were racist were throwing away those thoughts, immediately people began quickly and progressly integrating and tried to recreate with any human. The physical appearances of others were not concerning to anyone anymore. People selfishly believed the world was self-destructing, and had put their last hopes into the final generation of humans. I, Quince Aurora, was the last person born in the world on February 29th, year 2168 at 11:59 PM, this is my life as the last human girl born on Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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