Chapter Three

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I woke up with a pain in my neck and Sun in my eyes. It burns. I looked around my messy room. Yawning, I throw the covers off of me and stumble off through the mountains of clothes and open my brightly colored door. Immediately I heard the soft sound of various musical instruments. Classical music filled my ears. " Triple Concerto, Opus number 56, Beethoven." I whispered. My mother and I used to listen to this stuff for hours, and I guessed it payed off.

I knew she listened to this when she was missing dad. He had left after a numerous amount of fights and yelling. We din't even know where he was. One day, when I was nine, he just didn't come back. I peered over the stair well. She was crying silently while dancing to the music. Her movements were so fluid while she dance partner less around our small living room.

It made me realize how small and insignificant our lives actually are. My mother's eyes were puffy and red, and her white blonde hair was put up in a very messy bun on top of her head. I sighed softly and clambered down the stair to comfort her.

When she saw me, she stopped dancing around the room and just started bawling. I ushered her over to the couch and wiped away my poor mother's tears with the sleeve of my pink sweater. I then sat down next to her until the crying subside and I was late for school. "Oh my little ghost, we've been here long enough. You go get ready." My mom said, wiping away the rest of her tears. I nodded, got up, and went to my room to find clean clothes.

Once I found a comfy pair of jeans and a purple sweater, I grabbed my huge violet glasses and my backpack and raced out the door not before saying my goodbyes to my still sniffling mother. Since I missed the bus, I had to sprint all the way to my stupid academy and run into history class awkwardly with everyone staring at me.

"Oh look, the rat made it to class today!" yelled an unknown dyed blonde girl in the back of the room when I raced in. Snickers erupted around the room. I sighed, and walked with my face down all the way to my seat at the front. "Now now class, don't be rowdy." said our history teacher, Mr. Dram.

The day went by very slowly as it always did, until gym came along. of course I'm not the most athletic girl out there, but this wasn't what this gym period was about. "Now now my little children. High school is where young ladies become graceful swans, and our blooming boys transform into hefty sunfish. The staff is very exited to present The Thorne Academy Spring dance to celebrate change." chirped our old gym teacher, ms. Gardenia. Swan? Sunfish? Dance? Thoughts swirled around my head. Great. This was just what I needed. More social interaction.

The girls swooned and all started talking at once, and the boys groaned and immediately started eyeing the most barbie like girl in the school, Kassidy Gregorian. Only two people din't swoon, groan, or even check people out. I sighed. Here we go again I thought. Harry Potter boy.

"My young children. I know you're all exited about the spring dance, but keep your heads!" Ms. Gardenia screamed over the chatter. Slowly, everyone quieted. For the rest of the period, we had to learn how to waltz, in which I realized my mother had not passed down her genes for good dancing skills.

Once the last bell rung, and gym was over, I sprinted to the Library as fast as my small legs could take me, in the cloudy weather, my old backpack swinging around. I got to the door, breathing hard, and stopped. More social interaction. I thought.

This job was going to be the death of me. Mr. Trollcast was right. I had no people skills whatsoever. So why did he have to hire another stupid person? And especially potter boy. I had no idea what to think about that crazy kid. I really didn't. I took a deep breathe, and heaved open the huge wooden doors.

Mr. Trollcast was on desk duty today, so he was the one I walked up to and greeted. "Well hello Miss. Kitty! Let me introduce you to Mr. Williams, the one you'll be working with. James! I'd like you to meet someone!" he called back to the space behind him. There was a muffled yelp, and a skinny black haired boy with deep blue eyes stumbled out from behind a bookshelf with a huge stack of books in his hands.

he then set them down with a grunt and dusted off his jeans. Seeing who it was, James smiled, and walked towards me and Mr. Trollcast. "James, this is Kitty, Kitty this is James." Mr. Trollcast squeaked. James raised his eyebrows at me. "I thought you said your name was Vivianne." He asked suspiciously. I shrugged and said,"Well, Well that's what Mr.Trollcast calls me." Mr. Trollcast giggled. he looked like a hillbilly dwarf compared to the tall James, who was right next to him, grinning awkwardly. "Then Kitty it is!" James laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well enough introduction! You two need to get to work!" Mr. Trollcast exclaimed. I nodded.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry this chapter was so short!! I had an idea and i sort of just stumbled awkwardly with it so...

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